Hi peeps. It’s Monday, so you know it’s time for my weekly bump date. This past week wasn’t the best, but I’ll talk about later in the post. Overall, I’m definitely getting more and more excited to meet our little one. I’ve always been excited {of course!} but I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who she’ll look like and what her personality will be like. It still seems crazy to me that we’ll get to see her in 9 weeks! Time is flying by.
Baby is the Size of a: head of lettuce {approx. 17.5 inches long, 3.5 pounds}
Gender: We’re having a girl!
Names: Keeping it quiet until she’s here.
How I’m Feeling: I’m not going to sugar coat it. This past week has been pretty terrible. I’m assuming the cramping pain is Braxton Hicks, and it’s been in FULL FORCE. Pretty much every day this past week I’ve had them on and off. Sometimes they hurt so bad that I’ve had to stop what I was doing and wait for them to pass. On Friday morning, the cramping actually woke me up. I’ve been trying to drink more water, but from what I’ve been reading Braxton Hicks just prepare you for the big day. If you have any remedies, please comment below! Other than the cramping, I haven’t had any other symptoms this past week.
Recent Purchases: I bought quite a few new things this week: this mirror for the nursery, two more burpy bibs, a breast pump, sleeper gowns, thermal pants, scratch mittens, and an Ubbi diaper pail. Up next on my shopping list is a black robe for after labor, underwear I don’t care about ruining, and a few pairs of button down pjs for nursing at the hospital. I plan to make another Target trip this week, so they will likely make an appearance in next week’s bump date.
Cravings: Same as weeks past – clementines, honeycrisp apples, lemonade.
Aversions: None.
Sleeping: I’ve been lucky that I’m still able to fall asleep without much issue. My Snoogle is still going strong, and I highly recommend it to any pregnant ladies out there!
Rings: Just wearing my wedding band from here on out.
Baby Movement: With all the Braxton Hicks I’ve been having, I’ve been very in tune with baby’s movements just to make sure she’s doing okay. She moves around a lot which is reassuring, but I’ll probably start counting kicks next week per my doctor’s orders.
Labor Signs: None.
Looking Forward to: our CPR class on Tuesday. It’s the last class we have scheduled before our baby gets here, so it feels great to check things off our never ending to-do list.