36 week bump date

Hi hi. I’m here to bring you another bump date. I’m 36 weeks along! I remember early on in my pregnancy, I would hear women complain about their last few weeks and I’d think that 1. they were overreacting and 2. that it was SO far away for me. Now that I’m at that point, I completely understand where they were coming from. The last few weeks of pregnancy are tough, both physically and emotionally. It’s kind of like a mind game. I’m obviously very excited to meet baby, but at the same time I’m getting anxious about delivery day and hope I can make it through the pain of it all. 

This is kind of strange, but numerous people have told me the same thing over the past week… It’s much easier with baby on the inside than on the outside. I’ve never had a baby, but I think they are going to be right. Once baby girl makes her big debut, my life {and Bryan’s} is going to do a complete 360. Nothing is going to be the same, but in a good way. I’m sure there are going to be many, many challenges. I’ll just have to take it day by day and as hard and it’s going to be to do… I’ll have to quickly realize that some things are out of my control. 


Baby is the Size of a: papaya {approx. 19.5 inches long, 5.5 pounds}

Gender: little girl

Names: Still keeping it a secret, but we can’t wait to announce it! Also – I can’t believe that Bryan and I still love her name all these months later. 

How I’m Feeling: Every day is different, but overall I guess I’m just feeling a bit overwhelmed if I’m being honest. The extra weight is starting to really hurt my lower back, and just existing some days can be a struggle. Ha! Bryan and I ran errands last weekend and I made it through two of the three stores before I gave up. I just didn’t have it in me to walk around the grocery store for an hour. Luckily, Bryan is a gem and did all of our food shopping while I waited in the car. The Braxton Hicks come and go, but they haven’t been nearly as bad as they were back in December, so I’ll call that a win for now. 

Recent Purchases: I realized recently that baby girl doesn’t have many stuffed animals, actually she only has two and both are smaller toys for her stroller or during tummy time. I wanted to buy her a slightly larger one that she’ll have forever, so I bought this plush bunny from Pottery Barn Kids. It’s getting delivered this afternoon and I can’t wait to put it in her nursery! Aside from the bunny, I haven’t made many purchases at all this past week. I saw my friends Danica and Rob for lunch last Saturday and they were so kind to buy baby girl a bunch of presents, including these super soft flannel blankets from Cloud Island. I can’t wait to wrap her up in these during long walks in the springtime. 

Cravings: I ate a lot of french toast in my first trimester and have been craving it more and more these days. Other than that, I randomly started craving lemon water ice in the middle of the night, and am still craving lemonade. I’m starting to wonder if my obsession with lemonade will go away after baby arrives. Mamas, did your cravings continue after you gave birth or were you so sick of them after a while?

Aversions: I haven’t had many aversions throughout my pregnancy, but I’m glad to report that avocados no longer gross me out. I had them this past weekend, and I’m excited to reintroduce them into my diet! 

Sleeping: As I mentioned in the last few bump dates, sleeping is great until I have to get up to use the bathroom at all hours of the night. I don’t have any hip or pelvic pain when I lie down, so I’m able to fall back to sleep pretty quickly. I know my body needs to rest on the weekends, so I haven’t been scheduling many get-togethers with friends. I’ve been using this extra time to nap and watch Netflix – two things I know I won’t have nearly as much time to do once the baby is born.  

Rings: Just my wedding band, but even that’s getting tight towards the middle of the day. I can’t wait for the bloating to go away. 

Baby Movement: She’s still kicking along! 

Labor Signs: No labor signs yet.

Looking Forward to: the first few weeks with baby. Bryan will be off from work for three weeks after baby is born, which will be a huge help. I can’t wait for all the newborn snuggle time, having baby meet our family and close friends, seeing what her personality will be like, and so much more. 

Shop some of my favorite baby/pregnancy products

Comments ▼

Whoa, I’m impressed Bryan has 3 weeks of paternity leave! That’s so rad!! I can’t wait to see what your baby name is :)))


Yeah, he’s pretty lucky! I’m glad to have the extra help right away.

Ahh this is such a good idea – and it will be great for later on! Congrats!
