Popular Business Books on My “To-Read” List

March 31, 2016

Popular business books

I’m constantly researching new books to read. Maybe it’s because I get bored with the ones I’m currently reading, or because I need variety. I don’t know, but today I wanted to share with you six popular business books that are on my “to-read” list. Whether you’re interested in learning more about business, want to start your own business, or really have no interest at all in business, I think each one of these books would be beneficial for you. They include nuggets of info that would be helpful in all aspects of life, and I can’t wait to start reading them! 

1. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

This book is mentioned all the time in business podcasts, articles and videos. It’s recommended for all people, but especially if your job is in a creative field. Elizabeth, who also wrote Eat Pray Love, talks about attitudes, approaches and habits we need in order to live a highly creative life. 

2. Growth Hacker Marketing by Ryan Holiday 

Learn how brands like Facebook, Twitter and Dropbox grew to multibillion dollar companies. This book is perfect for anyone looking to start a business or improve the one they already have. It focuses on a marketing technique called “growth hacking,” which in short focuses on low-cost alternatives to traditional marketing, such as social media and vital marketing. 

3. #AskGaryVee by Gary Vaynerchuk

I heard about Gary Vaynerchuk a few years ago, but I never paid much attention to him. I guess the time wasn’t right. A few weeks ago, I started listening to his podcast and watching his Youtube videos. Now I’m obsessed. His personality and approach to biz isn’t for everyone, but I find him so captivating and brilliant. His newest book answers popular questions about marketing, social media, entrepreneurship, and business techniques in general. 

4. Start With Why by Simon Sinek

This book has been out for a few years now, but I recently heard about it in a business podcast. It dives into the importance of not only knowing what or how to do a task, but the reasons why. It’s great for people in all different types of industries because the underlying message can be applied to pretty much anything. 

5. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Ok, I know. SUPER late to the game with this one. If you’re living under a rock, this book by the Facebook COO explains about why women’s progress in business has stalled and provides simple solutions that can empower women to achieve their full potential. I’m thinking about downloading this to my Kindle this weekend and “leaning in” – ha! See what I did there?

6. #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso

Sophia’s book talks about her journey from dumpster diving to founding one of the fastest growing fashion retailers in the world, Nasty Gal. Amazon really explains this book best. “#GirlBoss proves that being successful isn’t about where you went to college or how popular you were in high school. It’s about trusting your instincts and following your gut; knowing which rules to follow and which to break; when to button up and when to let your freak flag fly.”

Comment below: What biz books are you most interested in reading? 

Comments ▼

A powerful list you have here. I really need to read more and it is a great way to start. The Girl Boss is the only one I read, was amazing the inside of the book is pretty much yellow, a lot to high light haha. Btw, my boyfriend showed to me your post about ” 7 easy steps to start a blog”, and I did!!! I love blogs and channels and never have the courage. You helped me, thanks!!!

Thank you for commenting, Adelania. Girl Boss is apparently the BOMB. I haven’t read it yet, so I can’t wait to get my hands on copy soon.

Also – I’m so happy that my post inspired you to create your blog! You’re going to have so much fun blogging.