Good morning readers.  I awoke this morning to snow on the ground and ice on my car.  It started snowing in my area around 2pm yesterday afternoon, and by the time I got home from work, it was still falling.  Talking about falling… I walked out with Bryan this morning to clean off our cars and head over to the gym, when all of a sudden I slipped and fell directly on my left arm and wrist.  Thankfully, I didn’t break anything or hit my head.  It could have been a lot worse.  My wrist still burns, but I can move it.

I got to the gym a little after 6:15 this morning, and was ready for shoulders and abs!

Today's Workout


On the way home from my workout, I couldn’t help but stop in my car and snap some photos of the gorgeous snow.

If you’re interested, here are the two workouts from Tuesday & Wednesday that I didn’t post yesterday.

Tuesday's Workout
Wednesday's Workout

Be safe out there if you’re in an area with a lot of snow and ice! Have a great Thursday!

Comments ▼

Hope the snow/ice doesn’t stick around for to long in your area.

I did the except same thing last Monday, but my elbow took most of the impact.

Keep up with the great work!

nicole @ simply Nicole

Ouch! Yea, i fell right on my left arm and wrist. I’m lucky I didn’t break anything.