Hey! So right now I am stealing internet from someplace in town as I sit here in Starbucks. I came here in order to study for my GRE’S but, yanno how that goes. I sit here for a while and study and get bored with it and end up getting on the internet and updating stuff. But hey! It’s all good. Right now I have a really bad stomach ache though. Thinking its from my Iced Soy Chai. =( Maybe I will just head back to my apartment soon and just take a nap. I really feel like I am dying. Talking about dying… I had a dream last night that I got shot in the back of my neck and was bleeding but didn’t die. Creepy dream I know. Scary actually, when I woke up.
Do any of you get really bad stomach aches from drinking coffee products/ Starbucks?
I remember when I worked here, I couldn’t drink anything during my shift because i would get nauseous.
Anyhow… studying for the GRE’s is so time-consuming. I have to study 3 HUGE books: the psychology subject test *which I am working through now, the qualitative book, and the quantitative book. Lots of studying to do this summer for sure. Good thing I have no summer classes. The GRE’s are super important because it’s pretty much the determining factor if I get into the grad school of my choice or not. My top school, at the moment, is San Diego State University. If i got into that school, my life would be so on track! i would have a legit reason to move out there, to tell my family any how. I mean i am moving out there no matter what in July 2010, but if I got into grad school, that would make it even better. Because then I could work AND continue my education! Talk about mulit-tasking.
I better get back to studying.
Until next time,
ew hate hate hated taking that darn GRE thank God thats out of my way!
Good luck studying!!
Coffee does leave me feeling a little bloated sometimes, but I just love it too much.
sometimes i just get tummy aches from coffee in general.. not necessarily just starbucks – i don't know what it is.. but it's definitely not enough to keep me away from the caffeinated goodness =)
good luck studying, Nicole!
starbucks gives me a tummy ache also!! i wonder why that it is ..
good luck with studying!! i'm ATTEMPTING to study for the MCAT, but it's so hard .. =/ all i've gotten around to doing is writing my name on the inside of my review books and putting hello kitty stickers on the covers. =/
have a good study session!!
Its strange! I can only have a starbucks dark roast in the morning.. (thats if I go get starbucks) generally I brew my own cheap brand (being a students no fun! haha )
but any starbucks coffee in the afternoon for me makes me ill. I only drink the refresh tea. yum.