friday !

April 9, 2010
Forgot to do my Friday Favs last week. And possibly the week before? Anyway. Here ya go! Along with some pics of what I’ve been up to lately!

lip-balm . hot weather . laying out in the grass . tans . beach visits in April . sleeping with windows open . yoga . no more fevers . iced coffee . getting homework finished . walks . happiness . produce . yogurt . Weeds . sundresses . Leona Lewis . dancing . sand . cheese sandwiches
Beach trip with the boyfriend:
Okay, so I have a lot of homework to do this weekend. I am off to the library to find some articles for my 2 research papers due soon. 
Leave some comments… 
what’s your favorite thing
about spring?
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those are such such cute pictures Nicole :o) I especially like the last one!

i love how the days are getting longer (and warmer) with more sunlight!!