Hello everyone. I think I may have been missing out. As a new runner, I have been finding out what works for me and what doesn’t (super early runs). Bry was going to physical therapy for a while a few months ago, and while he was there, he bought a foam roller. Experienced runners know what this is, but I had no idea of all the benefits it could have for my sore muscles.
This thing works wonders. I’ve tried out some exercises for my legs while using the roller, and although it hurts, it is a good hurt. Of course I had to actually research how to use the foam roller, because as a newbie I had NO idea. Here are some of my favorite exercises from Runner’s World.
My feet ended up not only walking into Gap, but also trotting on over to HnM. I couldn’t stop myself. My feet just kept walking. Trust me, I tried =) And once I get set on an item, it’s very hard for me to put it back. My wallet hates me sometimes.
Have you ever used a foam roller?
What’s your favorite exercise?
I need to utilize my foam roller much more often! I have majorly tight hams.
I just recently have gotten to know my foam roller. After a learning curve ( http://runaroundsara.blogspot.com/2011/10/foam-roller-my-ass-of-course-not.html ) I now combine glute & hamstring foam rolling with The Stick to get my muscles feeling better.