My Experience with a Psychic

February 26, 2012

Haha. If you grew up in the 90’s you know who that woman is.

At work in the past, we’ve had a massage therapist come in, numerous birthday cakes, happy hours, and other fun things for our monthly employee appreciation days.  This time we had a psychic come in and do 5 minute readings on anyone who wished to participate.  I take psychics with a grain of salt, so I signed up.

After hearing that all my colleagues had interesting experiences during their time with the psychic, I was very excited to get my chance to speak with her.  However, by the time I left, I was sure that she was a fluke.  Let’s go over the reasons why she didn’t impress me.

  1. The biggest indicator that lead me to believe she couldn’t “read” me was that she kept referring to my “parents.”  For example, she said, “Do your parents like your boyfriend.”  My mom died in 2007.  If this psychic could really read me, then she would know that only one of my parents are alive.  A death in the family is a major part of someone’s life.
  2. She noted that Bryan is moody.  Bryan is probably the most relaxed person I know.  He isn’t the kind of person to be in a bad mood out of no where, or be overly emotional about any one thing.
  3. She said I don’t get along with other women.  False.  I get along better with women than I do men.
  4. After talking to other colleagues, I found out that she said the same exact things to a few other people.

I was optimistic going into this experience, but upon leaving I was hesitant to accept her credibility.  I sensed she was getting frustrated with me when she would say something and I would tell her that it was false.  I didn’t pay any money to see her, since it was for employee appreciation day, but I’m not sure if I’ll ever pay money in the future to see a psychic.

Have you ever been to a psychic?
What was your experience like?

Comments ▼

I had my palm read in college during the new student week (I was an RA and it was free!). It was an interesting experience, but the reading was really general. One thing I was told was that I’d be married at the age of 28. I turn 29 in exactly two weeks… yeah. I would be interested in seeing one of the more credible ones in the area for fun, but I look at it as an entertainment experience.

omg!!! MISS CLEO!! hahahahaha I totally remember that commercial! and I grew up on the east coast, so yeah…i think it was on the Radio too!

anyway…sounds like a lame experience……I don’t think I’d ever want to see one either.

(And yes, you should totally get a few of my favorite pens! worth it!)

nicole @ simply Nicole

Haha same! it was on the radio!