Important Dates for November
November 3rd & 5th- Teaching Hip-hop combo to Jazz1
November 7th- GREs
November 9th- Dress Rehearsal for Collaboration Concert
November 10th & 11th- Collaboration Concert
Today already sucks. Woke up this morning nauseous. Possibly because of my birth control, not really sure. Oh well. I am having a short rehearsal later on tonight to clean up my dance for the showing tomorrow. I am so happy on how it looks so far. Can’t wait to keep adding more on to it. Yesterday I spent my entire day in the library doing homework with Bridgett. What a horrible Sunday. Blah.
Today’s To-Do List:
-write poem for dance comp today
-finish study questions for cognitive and do flash cards
-send out emails for extra credit in I/O psych
-short rehearsal later
-pick a song and start choreographing for Jazz1
good luck lady and feel better 🙂