Saying No to Dairy

March 26, 2013

You know from multiple blog posts that I started seeing my face break out after using the Clarisonic last spring.  A year later, I’m still seeing some inconsistencies with my skin.  My face tends to be on the dry side with many of my breakouts on my chin or nose.  This past weekend, I did some reading and found that dairy can be the cause of breakouts, because many people can not digest dairy properly.  I’ve tried a lot of things over the past few months, so I decided to try this.

Saying No to Dairy



WebMD states that although there is no definite link between dairy and acne, there ARE theories about it.  F. William Danby, MD, wrote in 2008 that the two items may be related.  Milk contains components related to testosterone – which can stimulate oil glands in the skin.  Another researcher found that his patients who have stopped consuming dairy found their breakouts getting better.

Dr Mark Hyman recently did a study and found that there is in fact a link.  Many researchers have suggested a diet-acne link, but until recently it has not been proven in large clinical studies.  In 2009, a systematic review of 21 observational studies and six clinical trials found clear links.

One scientist referred to milk as a “complex aqueous, suspended fat, liposomal, suspended protein emulsion.”  Milk is naturally full of anabolic hormones – mostly androgens (like testosterone) and growth hormones like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). 

Two large controlled trials found that cow’s milk increased both the number of people who got acne and its severity.  Other trials found that people who had higher sugar intake and a high glycemic diet (bread, rice, pasta etc.) had significantly more acne. 

I have nothing to lose at this point.  I have decided, since Friday, to stop having dairy for a week to see if my skin settles down a bit.  As of this morning, I haven’t seen any active breakouts.  Seems like a step in the right direction. 

Talk to Me

  • Have you ever seen the effects of dairy on your skin?
  • What’s your favorite way to battle breakouts?
  • Do you consume a lot of dairy per day?
Comments ▼

I DO NOT eat dairy! I haven’t in 10 years!!! And you know what? People compliment me on my beautiful skin on a daily basis!! Does ditching dairy have something to do with it? I think so… But I also dedicate it to the fact that I eat really healthfully, no sugar, etc… 🙂

DOWN WITH DAIRY! LOL! However, I do love me a steak 😉

I did an experiment where I stopped eating dairy for a week, then had dairy on easter. My face went crazy. Looks like I figured it out!

Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

I was consuming a lot of dairy about 5 years ago, was getting stomachache after stomachache. Took dairy out of my diet for a month, face cleared up, no more stomachaches. Little did I know I was Lactose Intolerant lol. I hope taking it out helps you!

So many people have an intolerance for dairy! My stomach used to be terrible, but then now it’s my face. Hopefully I figure this out asap!

I’ve heard that about dairy. My skin has been problematic sine I was a teenager. What helped me was taking apple cider vinegar daily and using an olive oil based cleanser! I am looking forward to seeing your results though 🙂

My skin was so great all during my teen years. It wasn’t until a year ago that it went crazy!

I don’t know about acne but cutting way back on dairy has done tremendous things for my sinuses. There is no longer a trail of Kleenex in the house and I avoid my season change sinus infections. I can have little bits on occasion but even one dairy heavy meal and I start to feel the effects. I miss cheese and Greek Yogurt but I feel so much better.

interesting! i’ve never noticed a correlation between dairy and my skin but lately my skin has been a bit messier than usual so maybe this is something worth looking into for me?

Yes!! I swear it made a huge difference for me. You have to check out GO Dairy Free the book is great and her site is great. It’s surprising how much stuff has milk, but when I keep it totally out man i feel better and my skin gets so clear