toe surgery.

March 25, 2009

That my friends is what is on my foot. My nail got infected again, so they had to clip out part of the nail on both sides and burn the nail bed and nail root. I have to keep that red thing on until Thursday morning. And can’t dance on it until Monday. So last night after the anesthsia (sp) wore off, I was in the worst pain of my life. So I have been taking extra strength tylenol every 4 hours to numb the pain I am in. Last time I had Mike by my side holding my hand the entire time I got the surgery, but I had my room-mate Bridgett there with me. It was great to know I could get through shit without him.

It wasn’t until last night that I totally broke down and could barely breathe. As I lay in my bed, in the worst pain ever, my foot propped up on a pillow, trying to get some sleep, all I wanted to do was call Mike. Because everytime I used to be in some sort of pain, I could call him, and he would calm me down and make me feel so much better. I decided that I needed to NOT call him, so I called my best friend and my cousin and they calmed me down. Ange, the best friend asked me..

“Nic, why are you so sad? Are you sad
because of your toe, or because of Mike”

I thought about it for a moment, trying to regain my composure, and said…

“I could care less about Mike, I am upset
because my toe hurts so much, and he was
always there to call when I felt sick. I don’t
miss him, I miss having someone there. And
I miss the person that he used to be.”

There ya go. The truth came out.

Anyhow. Homework has been building up more and more, as I keep forgetting to stay on top of it. Ugh. I can be such a sometimes. Definitely not one of my good characteristics. procrastinator. Well, until later darlings, comment and let me know how everyone is. I feel so out of the loop sometimes!

Favorite song at the moment: “Stand” – Rascal Flatts

Comments ▼

What a sexy toe 🙂 ha! I’m sorry to hear its so painful babe- but at the same time i’m glad its making you realize that you don’t need him. Sometimes its hard to let go of someone just because we hate feeling alone. We can be surrounded by tons of family and friends that love us to death and would do anything for us in a heartbeat but we still feel completly alone. It sucks but i’m glad You’re utilizing these people to get through this 🙂 love you girl!

Peanut Butter and Jenny

ah my love I am so sorry about your toe but i am so happy you have such a positive support system to help you through this and you are able to recognize that you don't miss/need mike.. you miss/need the love he once gave u — and i'm so glad your learning to find these things through others =)

have a great night and feel better lovebug<3 xoxo