A Letter to My High School Self

June 21, 2012

High school graduations are fast approaching.  Every time I drive past a high school with the sign for graduation out front (c/o 2012!?), I can’t help but remember my senior year and all of the drama that was high school.  The boys, the changing schools, making new friends, fights with family, and so much more.

Baby me @ my senior prom (2006)

There are so many things that I would say to my past self, so here it goes…

Dear 17 year old Nicole,

You’ll soon realize that whatever troubles you had in high school won’t compare to the heartbreak you will feel in college.  You’ll be faced with the sudden death of a parent, a breakup over Facebook, have some questionable jobs, lose some friends and have many more terrible moments.  Be prepared!

High school boy drama is only minimal to what you’ll experience in college.  Boys get older in age, but have the maturity level of children.  The boyfriend you have now will not be the guy you end up with later on.  But don’t worry, you’ll meet the right guy during your senior year at West Chester.

Don’t get discouraged when the stress of college and potential careers plans become too overwhelming.  You’ll end up graduating with your bachelor’s degree in a discipline that you won’t have a career in.  Although right now you think you’ll become a child psychologist and save hundreds of children from their mental troubles, you’ll have a change of plans during your senior year of college and take that public speaking course you dreaded so much.  This will lead you to cancel the rest of your graduate degree applications for psychology, and instead apply to an accelerated 1 year master’s program in professional and business communication at a college in the city.  It will be the most fast-paced year of your life, but (hopefully) it will be worth it one day.

There will be many amazing moments in your near future as well.  It’s not all bad.  You’ll meet some memorable people at college, including your current boyfriend, an amazing room-mate, very talented dance friends, and another close friend who will ask you to be a bridesmaid in her wedding (your first one!).  You’ll compete in two dance conferences (one of which will showcase your own choreography), become comfortable in your own skin, have an awesome apartment and a townhouse, and finally land a full-time job in marketing.

Don’t worry about the small stuff.  It’s not worth it.

Whatever you think is the end of the world, really isn’t.

Never stop believing in what you want out of life.

Laugh more than you cry.

Oh and save some money, because you won’t be making that much and student loans will be the death of you.

All the best,
the 23 year old you.

If you could write a letter to your high school self, what would you say?

Comments ▼

What a journey. Great Blog.

Thanks Eleanor. I hope to see you soon!

I started writing one of these to myself not too long ago. Very cathartic to go back and see how life has progressed since high school right? Sometimes, I want to write a letter to my 14, 18, 21, and 23 year old self too 🙂

Love this post. It is crazy how much we change from high school to the real world. I love the dont sweat the small stuff. It really is all relative. What mattered so much in high school tends to be so miniscule when you look back.

Love this! I’d definitely tell myself that all the things that were SO important in high school really aren’t! Also, that anything that seems difficult in high school doesn’t compare to college & especially “the real world.”

it’s so true. everything seems like rough at the time, but there’s always going to be something more difficult to get through