Treadmill vs. Outside

June 29, 2012

Yesterday was quite interesting.  Instead of my morning run, I opted for another hour of sleep and ran after work.  MUCH NEEDED.  So, after a rough day at work (my computer wasn’t working), I came home, got changed and walked over to the gym.  I was surprised that there weren’t that many people at the gym right after work.  Usually it’s a mob house over there and everyone is waiting to use a treadmill.  Vultures I tell ya.

I turned on the Lil Wayne Pandora station (the only thing I can listen to while I run) and worked on running 2 miles without stopping for a break.  I felt a little bit better than the day before, but overall I know that I still have a lot to work on.

Mile 1:  Felt okay for the majority of it.  A guy was on the treadmill next to me and wasn’t stopping, so neither was I.

Mile 2:  Guy on treadmill started walking half way through my 2nd mile and really killed my energy.  But I DID keep going!  Does this happen to anyone else?

My friend Katera told me that I should try and get away from the treadmill as much as possible, because it really isn’t a good indicator how you’ll be running outside.  I’m going to take her advice and try to do some outside running next week.  This weekend is going to be in the high 90s in the Philly area!  I’m a wuss when it comes to hot weather running.  Fall/winter running all the way!

I don’t mind running outside, and in all honesty I could use hill training.  However, I do like treadmills because I can gauge how fast/slow (mainly slow) that I’m actually going b/c I don’t have a Garmin yet.  I guess the treadmill has some pluses and minuses.

In unrelated news… check out this very enthusiastic photo of me that was taken by a photographer post-race during the Stride 4 Stroke 5K a few weeks ago:

not sure what's going on with my right knee here...

What does everyone have planned this weekend?

How many times a week do you do treadmill runs vs. outside runs? Why?

Comments ▼

I use the treadmill more often than I’d like or care to admit. Sometimes, it’s just easier to do my runs at the gym, especially when it’s so hot like this. It’s also easier for me to keep going when the ground just moves beneath me, and slowing down takes the action of pushing a button rather than the simplicity of just ‘stopping’ on the road.

I do enjoy my runs outside. Sometimes it’s simply more scenic, and I agree with your friend that it’s very different from running on the treadmill. However, until you get a Garmin, I completely understand why the treadmill is better for training.

Thanks for the reminder — I’ve been telling myself to get outside more often. Let’s do it 😉

Meredith, thanks for the comment! It’s been brutally hot outside in my area. It’s not just the heat but the humidity as well!

I like the treadmill for speedwork & tempo runs (because I’m terrible at gauging pace outside & don’t want to be constantly staring at my Garmin). Treadmill takes the guesswork out of that – adjust it to the speed I need and GO. But besides that … don’t love ’em. Weekend long runs are always done outside because I can focus on other things than ‘omg I have to run xx more miles’ while I’m staring at the numbers on a treadmill. I can zone out a little bit better outside.

Running outside during the summer is HARD. I’m trying to get acclimated to it now. I ran Tues night when it was 104 and last night 99. I’ve heard it gets easier with time, so I’ll keep working on it until that happens 🙂

Maybe you could use Runkeeper or MapMyRun on your phone rather than a Garmin? Much cheaper and the pace tends to be pretty accurate since it runs off of GPS.

Yea, I use the Nike Plus App, which works pretty well, but it doesn’t update my pace as quickly as I’d like. I plan to get a Garmin sometime before my half.

I also prefer to run outside rather than on a treadmill. I’m getting used to running in the heat and just remind myself not to push it too hard. I get so bored on the treadmill, even if I have a movie or something to watch!

I’m going to have to start running outside in the early mornings. Hopefully if I get out there with a water bottle, it won’t be too bad.

I definitely prefer to run outside rather than on a treadmill, but it has definitely been too hot for outdoor runs… even in the AM! I just like being able to check out different scenery instead of staring at the same things/people in the gym!

Melissa @ Live, Love, & Run

I ran on the treadmill yesterday, and I’ll be honest with you…I’m not a fan anymore. Any time I have been running outside for a while, I have the hardest time running on the treadmill. (And I can’t run with headphones anymore…it clouds my mind too easily now!)

Music is annoying me lately too. If a slower song comes on, I’m totally out of sync. I think I’m going to take a run tomorrow morning with a water bottle and NO music!

As long as you’re not doing all of your runs on the treadmill, I think it’s fine in training for outdoor races. I know people who have trained for marathons solely on treadmills – which sounds miserable, but you do what you have to do. 🙂 I rarely run on the treadmill anymore, but when I used to belong to a gym it was usually about once a week.

I’d say the only time I find myself running on a treadmill is when I’m traveling and I’m not familiar with the area or it doesn’t offer much in the realm of safe running routes.

I really, really hate treadmills. In this weather I either run in the morning or grin and bear it and wear a hydration pack and run in the afternoon. I’m also in Southeast PA and it’s going to be a miserable weekend in terms of heat!

Melissa, I do hate the treadmill as well, it’s just easier to run when my gym is SEMI- air conditioned. Sometimes it’s actually cooler outside! As crazy as that sounds.

Be careful out there in the heat this weekend.