There’s a bug going around my office. People are getting this weird stomach thing left and right, and I just hope that I’m not next. On Tuesday, I started feeling a little off. I did 2 miles on Tuesday morning and struggled through them. On Wednesday night after work, I did another 2 miles and barely made it through my workout. My upper left side of my ribcage was burning. It was sort of like a side stitch, but a bit higher. Luckily, I did 5 miles on Monday, so I was able to take it easy for two days. I have 6 miles left to go this week to meet my weekly 15 mile goal. After work today, I hope to get in 3 miles and finish off the week with 3 miles on Friday. My plan is to just keep taking my vitamins (b12 and d3) and drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.
Confession: Sometimes I Google random weird things.
This morning I Googled “psychology of running.” One of the links that showed up was a website called Running Planet that outlined 8 different types of runners. Here is an outline of the types written about in the article.
- Pacifier – Forced to Run: This runner doesn’t actually enjoy running at all. He/She is forced by an outside source, such as a family member or a coach.
- Socializer – Peer Group Runner: This runner runs to feel like they belong to something. This may be a running club at work or with friends.
- Improver – Running for Lifestyle Change: This runner runs because he/she enjoys the changes that running provides to a lifestyle. Changes may include stress reduction, better overall health, etc.
- Achiever – Goal Based Runner: This runner runs to meet a specific goals, such as a half marathon or marathon.
- Loser – Weight Loss Runner: This runner runs to lose a desired amount of weight. Some may quit running after meeting this goal weight and choose to maintain the new weight with a different form of cardio.
- Gainer – Fitness Runner: This runner runs in order to feel stronger and gain the fitness benefits of running.
- Racer – Competitive Runner: This runner runs for the thrill of competition in racing. This person loves to run, but is very interested in beating other people’s times and their own time.
- Lifer – Pure Runner: This runner runs because of joy for the sport. This person probably likes to be competitive and race, but are not strictly drawn to run because of it. They enjoy pushing themselves to new levels.
Let’s see… what type of runner am I? I know what I am not: a pacifier, a socializer, or a loser. No one needs to force me to run, I don’t necessarily enjoy running with a group, and losing weight is not a running goal.
That leaves: an improver, an achiever, a gainer, a racer, and a lifer. Out of all of these options I think I am a combination of an achiever, racer, and a lifer.
What type of runner are you?
Improver, Achiever and some Gainer mixed into it as well 🙂 Cool post!
I def an Achiever and Lifer. Very cool post!
Hope you’re feeling better!
Cool post! I would say I’m a mix of the Lifer, Achiever, and Gainer.
Interesting list. I think I’m definitely mostly an “improver runner” but also a “lifer” in ways too. Definitely makes you think about why you run!
I think I’m an improver and maybe a very very small bit of achiever. Cool post!
Interesting! I think I’m somewhere between an improver, a (small-time) achiever, and a gainer.
Hope you stay healthy!
These are neat!! And so true. 🙂 I think I’m definitely a lifer! Hope the bug stays away!!
Hey Lora, yep me too! I hate getting sick, and I’ve just been feeling kind of “off”. Went to sleep earlier last night so hopefully I feel better during my run later!
I think I’m a lifer but I’m not really that competitive with anyone except myself. Maybe a little bit of an improver/achiever too 🙂
Hey Courtney! I’m the same way. I try to just focus on my own pace during races, and even when I’m running outside and I’m seeing other runners.
I am definitely a combination of improver, achiever, (a tiny bit racer, but more so racing myself), and definitely lifer. Probably mostly a lifer with undertones of the others. The article is a great read! Thanks for sharing!! 🙂
Hey Chelsie! Thanks for reading! I’m more about racing myself as well. Sometimes during races if I focus too much on other people it really gets to me.