My legs hurt really bad this morning, because I did the long run I missed this weekend last night after work.  When I got home from work all that I wanted to do was put on my PJs and relax.  However, knowing that Bryan was going over to the gym too was motivation to get moving.

Day 15

Yesterday was Day 15 of my .  It was supposed to be a rest day, but considering that I didn’t run all weekend, I knew I had to suck it up and just do it.  (Haha, what am I a Nike commercial?)  I went to the gym and completed 5 miles in 48:35.  Not super fast, but I didn’t have to take as many walking breaks this time.  I started with a base at level 6.2 and then slowly increased that number as the miles increased.  By the last quarter mile, I was sprinting at level 7.  I just wanted to be done!


This is why my legs hurt this morning.  I should have foam rolled and wore compression socks to bed, but I didn’t and today I’m paying the price. 

I typically walk through the grass on my way home from the gym, because the grass is softer on my knees after pounding away on the treadmill.  Last night, I looked down and saw this little gem.


the leaves are falling!

Fall is my favorite season and I can’t wait to get started on fall recipes, décor and pinning on … actually I already started doing that back in August (shh). 

September 11, 2001

I remember September 11, 2001 like it was yesterday.  I woke up in my Philadelphia home like every other day, put on my Catholic school uniform and was driven to 8th grade.  Everything seemed normal.  It wasn’t until I was in math class that we were told about the 8:46 am and 9:03 am attacks in New York.  I hadn’t visited New York yet, but I knew that Philadelphia wasn’t too far away.  Because Philadelphia is a large historical city, our school cautiously sent everyone home to be with their families. 



At 10:10 am, a plane crashed even closer to home in Somerset County, PA.  I remember feeling even more nervous, because the attacks seemed to be getting closer.  My dad worked in one of the tall skyscrapers in Center City Philadelphia and I remember my mom calling to make sure everything was okay. 

I didn’t know anyone in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, but my heart goes out to everyone who lost someone that tragic day. 

Talk to Me

  • Where were you during the attacks on September 11, 2001?
  • Is the weather starting to cool down in your area?
  • What day of the week do you do your long runs?
Comments ▼

It was my senior year of high school and I was in AP Bio class when it happened. I lived in NJ so nearly everyone had a friend or family member who worked in NYC. Everyone was frantic, trying to get in touch with their loved ones. It was an awful day, seemed so surreal. How has it been 11 years already? Time is flying by.

Unfortunately the weather isn’t cooling down here yet. It’s been in the 70s in the morning but we’re still hitting high nineties (98 yesterday) during the day. FALL! WHERE ARE YOU?!

The weather here was in the 40s this morning, but reached mid 70s for the high. I can’t wait until it’s in the 50s and 60s! Perfect weather.

I was sitting in 10th grade English class. It’s crazy how vividly everyone seems to remember that day. I was thinking this morning that I even remember the outfit I had on!

I am training for a half marathon that is in a couple of weeks. I have been struggling with the whole long run thing and have been Doin them whenever I can fit them in…Friday evening, Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning…you name it!!

Which half are you doing, Tara? Yea, I haven’t been doing my long runs as “scheduled”. Did my long run that I didn’t do last week on Monday.

I am running the Fort for Fitness half marathon this month. I just signed up for another half (Monumental Marathon) in November…I think I’m addicted!!

I’ve caught the race bug as well. However it’s been since July that I’ve run any races. I am glad I’m doing this 10K before my half in November.

I was in school, like you, when it happened. One of the first days of seventh grade. However, I live in Canada, and we weren’t told about it until just before we left for the day. I think that the scale of tragedy was muted a bit because of the border, but it still caused and incredibly profound reaction.
I had to pull out my long spandex for my bike to work yesterday morning, and my flannel pjs and slippers crawling out of bed this morning — definitely cooling down!
I like to run my long runs on Fridays as I usually have that day off and work the weekend. Much better than running a long run after a shift!

11 years ago & that is one thing I will remember forever. I live in WNY, NJ, right across the river and a block away from Blvd. East where we have the view of NYC. I was home with my son, who was 2 at the time, and I couldn’t believe what I saw on TV. I was too scared to walk the block down to Blvd East to see for myself what was going on, actually I don’t think I left the house that day. We could see the smoke for days, it was awful. My heart goes out to everyone who lost a loved one on that day!

Wow, I can’t even imagine what it was like to be anywhere near NYC that day. No matter where anyone lives, I’m sure we all will remember exactly where we were when we heard the news.

I can’t believe the anniversary is here again! I was in 7th grade sitting in home economics class when the announcement came over the pa system. I didn’t understand what it meant though until I got home later that afternoon. {we still had lunch and then I kind of got lost on the way home which didn’t help with my moms fear haha} When I turned on the tv I understood what happened.

Danielle, yeah me too. I was in 8th grade and wasn’t even sure where Afghanistan was. So strange how the years just go by.

And it’s so weird. Feels like yesterday. Feels like a different lifetime :/

Miz, it’s so true. I can’t believe it’s been 11 years. So much has happened, and I’m really glad that they rebuilt ground zero into a memorial. I’ve been to NYC a bunch of times since then, but haven’t had the opportunity to see it.