5 Ways to Start Your Day Happy!

June 1, 2010

1. Wake up to a clutter free room.
The first way to wake up in a happier mood, is by doing something the night before: clean! When you wake up to a room that is clean and organized, why wouldn’t you wake up happier?!

2. Meditate within the first 5 minutes of waking.
Take time upon waking to think about your upcoming day and at least one goal that you wish to accomplish that day.  Keep a notebook or paper in a bedside table.  Write this goal down in ink.

3. Start your day with a healthy breakfast.
Even if you have to eat on the go, pick something healthy! Skip the mocha frap at Starbucks, and opt for a healthier option that will keep you full until lunch: oatmeal with dried fruit, nuts or brown sugar.  It’s a favorite of mine (minus the nuts)! Able to eat at home? Yogurt with fresh fruit is a great option, and so is egg whites on a whole grain bagel.  I also love coffee. (it’s okay for you in moderation!) Not a coffee drinker, hot tea is great also! Green tea is loaded with antioxidants!

4. Exercise.
I always find it easiest to exercise in the morning before you go about your day. However, do whatever works best for your lifestyle. Exercise has been proven to increase endorphins and make you happy! WOO. You don’t need a gym membership to exercise. Some of my favorite routines have been cutouts from magazines.

5. Converse with someone you love.
Always surround yourself with positive people. Give a call (or even a txt!) to someone you haven’t spoken with in a while. Sit down with a parent or grandparent in the morning, have breakfast and share stories. Learn about the past of someone you love.

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Great tips! Thanks so much for sharing!

Sounds good, I will try this 🙂

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