So Bryan and me went into the city yesterday, because I’ve never seen the Liberty Bell. We had a great day, walking around the city and seeing some cool stuff. The weather was beautiful! Here are some photos from our trip!
 The Bourse Building: featured on Dinner Impossible
Inside the parking garage at Liberty Center
Independence Hall
Update on me:
Living at home has some advantages and disadvantages.
First off, having no rent or bills to pay is great. (aside from paying off my credit card at the moment) Another plus is free groceries! However, I wish I had a job right now because I am super bored all day, and no money to do much. Living at home also means that I can’t just do whatever I want whenever. I feel bad coming home late because I know my grandmom worries about me. 
The job search is hard.
Well that probably isn’t a big shocker for many of you. I wish I had a different degree because finding a job with simply a Bachelors in Psychology isn’t really working out. I have been job searching for months now. 
Graduation parties.
My two graduation parties are coming up. One at my house, and one at my dad’s house. Hopefully I get some money so I can get a laptop finally. But with the credit card I need to pay off, that laptop might have to wait some time. Not fair.
Trimmed my hair.
I didn’t do it myself, but my friend Angela is a hairdresser so she does my hair. I kind of wish I didn’t get it trimmed though, because now the back is super short and I would rather have it all one length. Blah. Hopefully it grows back fast. Anyone know of any good hair lengthening products!?
Seeing the boyfriend.
I have been able to see Bryan a lot lately, which is great… because I was a little worried about that. However, I am sure once we get jobs we won’t be able to spend AS much time together. Blah.
Comments ▼

I am glad you can see all the pluses of being at home. I do not think I would enjoy moving back in with my parents. BUT there are a lot of perks like you say: free bills and groceries..

From Here to There. In Purple.

oh i'm glad you had a great day in philly, lovelyy!