I’m a trend setter, an adventurer, a coffee lover and a photographer! I love experiments and personal projects. Finding new perspectives and breathing in new life into old boring scenes is what inspires and gets me excited! If you call yourself a creative, proudly wear that title, be memorable, inspire others and always be ahead of the crowd! Be Evóra!

The Best Thing I Ever Ate

October 25, 2012

OK, so I am typical of saying “The best thing ever” and “That’s the best!”  I can’t help it.  Sometimes I really just think something is that incredible.  Yesterday’s dinner was no exception. 

I’m going to preface this by saying:

  • No, this isn’t a healthy dinner
  • No, this isn’t fat free/calorie free/sodium free
  • No, I don’t eat like this everyday


This, my friends, is the Create your Own Macaroni and Cheese at the Whole Foods Pub.  Inside my macaroni and cheese are the following items:  cheddar cheese, pepper jack cheese, jalapenos, and tomatoes. 

Best Thing I Ever Ate.  Okay, maybe not the best thing EVER, but definitely the best macaroni and cheese I’ve ever had!  There’s nothing better than ending a long day at work with a gooey, warm, spicy bowl of mac and cheese… especially for only $5.

The photo doesn’t do it justice, but this bowl of mac and cheese was massive.  I brought half of it home with me to eat as leftovers sometime this week.  I can’t wait to put it back into the oven with more breadcrumbs and dig in! 

Running Update

This week has been crazy.  Every night after work I had plans that I couldn’t break so I haven’t gone for a run since the 10K on Saturday.  I hope to get in a run tomorrow morning before work, but that doesn’t always work out. 


I’m not sure which Fitfluential blogger owns this photo. 
If it’s yours please let me know so I can give you credit!

Yes, that is Shalane Flanagan.  You know, the Olympic marathon runner and training partner of Kara Goucher.  I attended the Women’s Running Seminar at the Runner’s World Half Festival and she talked about a variety of things:  training with my girl Kara, the London Olympics, and most importantly how to keep yourself motivated. 

A quote from her really stuck with me. 

“The stress really comes from wanting to perform up to your potential.”

When she said that, it really made me think.  It’s completely true.  No one is making me stressed out to keep going.  No one is telling me everyday to get out there and run.  The stress comes from wanting to do well at the Philly Half and to keep up with my training because I know I’ll need it on race day.

Talk to Me

  • What is the best mac and cheese you’ve ever had?
  • Have you ever had the mac and cheese at Whole Foods?  If so, what did you put in your bowl?
  • How do you keep up with your training plans?  Do you give yourself rewards? Keep a journal?
Comments ▼

I keep up with my training plans by setting goals for myself (sub 2 Hal marathon) and scheduling in advance 🙂

that mac and cheese looks awesome! my fiance would love that place!

Ok, now I’m majorly craving mac and cheese for dinner!

Omg that mac and cheese looks AMAZING! It’s one of those foods I always want to order when out to eat but never do. I need to try this sometime!

If only I had a Whole Foods where I’m from!!!

we have the FLAGSHIP whole foods here too
I shall macandcheeseINVESTIGATE with the child today.

It is amazing. It’s from the Pub inside Whole Foods. BEST EVER!