Design Your Life

December 22, 2010
I recently came across this girl’s blog, and saw that she had a series called Design Your Life, and just knew I had to take part in it. The whole premise of this is to write 5-7 intentions for your life. With the new year right around the corner, I couldn’t think of a better time to do this. So… here it goes.
Yoga-fy my life: I used to be a huge yogi. I was going yoga 4x a week at minimum during class time and even taking part in midnight yoga with my roommate at college. I was doing yoga so much more than I am now. That must change. Even if I can’t get to a yoga studio and pay for yoga classes, I will do at least 30 minutes of yoga every other day to begin. From there, I will try and up my yoga per day and keep track of my progress.
 Why so serious?!: Being a full-time graduate student has definitely taken a toll on both my personality and my health. I am stressed out more than I am relaxed, and that must change! I’ve never been as sick as I have been this past year. Stomach issues + being on 9 pills a day does not = happiness. That is for sure. I will be less serious and more relaxed as this next year begins. I need to start thinking about the things that make me happy and carefree, instead of dwelling on the things I have to hand it for school.
 Be Healthy: With all of the stomach issues I’ve dealt with this past year (& continuing to deal with) I need to remember that if I treat my body well, it will treat me back the same… or so I believe it to happen this way. I will continue eating nutrient rich meals all day + stretching and yoga in order to maintain good health. 
 Make the most out of my day: Sometimes my days go by so quickly that I forgot to even take a breath and soak it all in. Whether it be just sitting in bed (gotta love holiday break), or rushing around to my graduate classes, I need to start slowing down and enjoying life, so thus I will. I also will continue to blog everyday with something interesting and thoughtful. My blackberry is always attached to me. In order to make the most out of my day, I plan to stray away from it a bit. I worry too much about e-mails, and text messages. Saturdays will be my day to just relax and not check my phone as much. 
 Maintain relationships: Everyone is busy. That is inevitable, but when I get a free day I plan on using it to maintain my friendships with people I haven’t seen in a while. There are tons of people I need to see. There are tons of people I want to remain friends with. However, I have to keep in mind that those things take effort to maintain. Friendships just don’t happen, you have to keep it lasting.
Comments ▼

I was a grad student last year and it was one of the hardest years of my life! It gets better!!!!!

check out For $18 a month you can stream hundreds of awesome yoga classes taught by top rate yoga teacher (gwyneth paltro'w for instance).

I love it and they even have classes that last five minutes for when you're in a rush.

I love your DIY DYL! I can totally relate to your yoga intention especially. Though I've never done it as much as you have, I miss my weekly time to unwind and do yoga.

Thanks for helping me get back in the mood!

Aw thanks neela,
Of course I would love to chat! please email me:


Nicole love!
I wish you all the best for this christmas and I am praying for you and me that our tummties will ifnd peace again with us 😉
if you ever need anything or want to talk about your stoamch issues feel free to contact me
loads of care and Merry Chrsitmas

hey, thanks for stopping by my blog, cute lady! i love this post. didn't someone say that goals not written down are just dreams…or something?? good for you for writing it down, though!

hello nicole!! so lovely to meet you ♥ and honestly so very glad that i stumbled upon your blog 🙂

i love finding other vegetarians out here in blog land makes my day! skinny bitch is one of my favs as well…next on my list to buy is the kind diet have you looked at that one yet?

i like this design your life post a lot…i recently developed a happiness project for myself for 2011 (inspired by the book the happiness project) and have encouraged other bloggers to do the same. it looks like happiness is part of your 2011 design your life plan as well so that it just awesome!

excited to read more about you lovely lady! hope you have an amazing holiday 🙂


ps i stopped by your about me section as well and i must say i am in love with my snuggie as well. husband bought it for me a few weeks ago when i was random gift ever!! 🙂

aw thanks for your comment Meri. I totally agree with the maintaining relationships one. Not living with friends definitely has its downsides.

Oh man- the older I get, the harder the "maintaining relationships" one is, for some reason. Not being in college anymore and living with friends certainly doesn't help I guess 🙂

Anyway, cute blog! I like the photo of you and the statue!