February Goal Recap

March 4, 2013

I didn’t want this weekend to end.  I didn’t post on Friday, because Bry and I took a vacation day to celebrate his birthday!  We spent practically the entire weekend celebrating, going to The Titanic Exhibit at the Franklin Institute and eating great food at El Vez!  We spent a good amount of time this weekend in the city – which was nice, because typically I only go down there when I travel for work. 


Train at the Franklin Institute – we couldn’t take photos in the Titanic Exhibit, but it was awesome, because our tickets also got us admission to the full museum.

Instead of doing a Weekend Recap video today, I wanted to get my February Goal Recap video done so I can start focusing on March’s goals!

1.  Keep my nails painted and stop ripping them.  (Did not complete).  My nails took a beating this month.  I’ve been stressed out with both work and my personal life lately, so my nails don’t look amazing right now.  When I get stressed I pick and peel my nails.  It’s terrible.

2.  Find a wedding venue and pick a date.  (Did not complete).  I mentioned in my February Goals blog post that I wanted to have all the preliminary wedding stuff done by March 1st.  That didn’t happen.  We still have no date and no wedding venue.

3.  Take at least ONE yoga class this month.  (Did not complete).  I signed up for a yoga class in the beginning of the month, but then got a nasty stomach bug and had to cancel.  I hope that with the warm weather (hopefully) coming soon, I’ll be more motivated to get back in the studio.

4.  Start packing for the move in mid-March.  (Completed).  I started throwing out clutter and reorganizing my clothes so that when we move in a few weeks it’s not a complete nightmare.  Yesterday we went and signed our lease, so we are good to go for move in day.  I can’t wait to be in an apartment with lots of light and more space! 

5.  Develop new recipes for our juicer. (Completed).  This month I’ve been loving our new juicer.  You probably have read post after post about my love for this appliance, but it’s true!  It’s amazing.  Bryan and I love making orange juice on the weekends, and during the week I’ve been loving my carrot, celery, apple and spinach juice.

Talk to Me

  • Did you accomplish all of your February Goals?
  • What did you do this weekend?
  • Have you ever been to a Titanic Exhibit?
Comments ▼

Ah I would LOVE the Titanic exhibit, but it’s so difficult for me to find the time! Do you know how long it’s running?

Erica, I think it’s until early/mid april. You need to get there lady!

I hear you on the nails thing. I am horrible with picking at my nails when I’m stressed. I want to check out the Titanic Exhibit so bad!

The Titanic exhibit the the BEST. Super interesting and so many awesome artifacts.

Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

Well, I defiantly need to declutter lol hopefully that happens soon!! I’ve never been, but that sounds like fun!

I hate when there so much clutter everywhere – but with busy schedules it can be hard to dedicate a weekend to do that!

oooh Im yer person if you need moving tips too.

i actually enjoy moving and organizing my stuff!