February Goals

February 5, 2014

I went back in my archives to look for my January Goals and I couldn’t find them.  It seems like I made new year’s resolutions but not specific goals for January.  Oh well, time for February!  I’m continuing with my monthly goals because it gives me something to work towards each month.  I hope you take part in goal-setting as well. 

feb goals

Goal #1:
Dedicate more time to working out.  I’ve definitely slacked on the working out thing over the past few months.  Over the summer, I was pretty religious with doing Reflexion Yoga videos and walking outside, but with the freezing temperatures we’ve been having, working out outside is just not an option.  This month I want to work on putting together a workout routine that I can do anywhere! 

Goal #2:
Be in bed by 10PM every night.  I find that when I’m in bed by 10PM or earlier, I have ample time to relax in bed and fall asleep.  If I get into bed much later, I typically don’t get enough sleeping time.  I’m one of those people that if I don’t get enough sleep, I can’t function properly in the morning.  For instance, on Monday night I didn’t get as much sleep as I would have liked to and yesterday my entire day was just “off.” 

Goal #3:
Complete items on my wedding to-do list.  This includes things like finalizing our wedding ceremony, writing my vows, purchasing a headpiece, going to my first fitting, and figuring out how much alcohol we’ll need.  I’m sure there are tons of other things that need to be done, but I want to at lease get those items done this month.  Time is ticking!

Talk to Me

  • What are your goals for February?
  • How often do you set goals?  Weekly?  Monthly?  Annually?
  • Do you have workouts that you can do anywhere?  Share them with me in the comments below!
Comments ▼
Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

I usually set goals weekly, because then I’m more likely to get them done and not procrastinate! You could always workout at a gym!! Those are inside and nice and warm :).

true! I should take advantage of our apartment complex’s gym. We probably pay for it somehow in our rent!

this be my HaRdEsT month.
I just wanna make it through till spring!!!