Friday Favorites – iPhone Edition

December 6, 2013

I have a Christmas-y weekend coming up.  On Saturday, we are buying our Christmas tree at the tree farm and on Sunday we are going to an amusement park’s holiday celebration (more on that on Monday!).  Up now – my Friday Favorites, the iPhone edition.  Now that I have a functioning iPhone again, I ABSOLUTELY love my phone.  When I tell you that the only thing I did on my iPhone4 was Instagram and my camera, I am not lying.  This phone is FAST.  I can actually surf the Internet AND check out blogs AND go on AND pin on like crazy.  That being said, I have a few new favorites apps.  Enjoy.


*I just wanted to say that I’m not being paid by any of these app developers to talk about these apps and I’m not getting any sort of commission if you download them because the are FREE.  I genuinely love these apps and wanted to share them with you.  Crazy I know. 

Candy Crush 
Yep.  I caved.  I wasn’t going to, and I even mentioned to a few people that I don’t understand why people get addicted to games.  Well my friends, I’m addicted.  I can’t stop.  If it wasn’t for the time limit thing in between lives, I would probably play this game all day everyday.  It’s a problem.

I have an actual Nook, but I always forget to charge it and I forget to bring it with me when I go places.  That’s partially why I haven’t been able to finish a book in years.  A goal of mine for 2014 is to read more.  A LOT MORE.  I just downloaded the book Gone Girl by Gillian and I’m already loving it.  I’m not too far along so no spoilers in the comments, please. 

Another app I’m loving that relates to reading is Goodreads.  Goodreads is sort of like a social media app for people that like to read.  You can add books to your “shelf” that you are currently reading, books that you’ve already read, and books that you want to read next.  I think it’s a fantastic way for me to keep track of those that I’ve read thus far.  And since I haven’t read a fiction book in ages, I’m starting at zero.  It’s also great because you can add friends, send messages, browse books, and much more!  Plus, the app is free so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t download it.  If you want to add me on Goodreads as a friend, my user name is _nicolekennedy. 

I’ve used Spotify as my music player of choice all through college (as well as Pandora).  I just realized that Spotify was also an app for your phone, so I had to download it.  It’s amazing because you can make playlists, listen to basically ANY SONG or ALBUM you want for free, and share what you’re listening to your social media channels.  I’m not going to lie, my favorite album at the moment is the new One Direction CD which I’ve been listening to non-stop.  Shameful, I know.  *Edit: Actually just realized that Spotify only lets you stream endless music of your choice for 48 hours.  You can still use the radio, but in my opinion not that cool anymore.  Off to find a new fav. music app.  Sorry, folks.


Talk to Me

  • What’s your favorite app at the moment?
  • If you have a Goodreads account, comment below and tell me your user name.
  • What is your favorite reading app?
Comments ▼
Heather @ Housewife Glamour

Ahh! I totally got into Candy Crush for a while but gave it up after it was forcing me to get more ammo via Facebook or money. Such a great game though! Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂

Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

Oh candy crusher….I actually have taken a break from that game (aka I’m stuck and can’t get past a level). But it’s ridiculous how addicting games are. I get addicted to games pretty easily, I love games of all kinds. I might have to download Spotify and try it, I was using Pandora (for free), and it only lets you skip a certain amount of songs a day. That amount being only 5, unless you pay. So I’m not too happy with Pandora haha.

Danielle @ Its A Harleyyy Life

I just got the iPhone 5 last weekend and I told myself I was NOT going to download candy crush on it. It has curved my addiction!