April 20, 2010

Good morning!
As you can tell, its been a whole week since I last updated. And I added a new link bar at the top. I’m getting pretty html savvy these days. Not gonna lie, this week is going to be pretty busy. My dance show is this weekend, so I have rehearsal every night this week until late. And I have a 10 page senior seminar paper due on Monday which I haven’t started. Yeah I procrastinated on this one.

However, this morning has been okay thus far. I woke up, and had my coffee, then made breakfast: Activia Blueberry Yogurt with a small handful of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, pineapple & kiwi. Delishhhhhhh. Now I am just waiting to get in the shower then off to campus for a long day.

I decided to try to start running more.  Yesterday, even though i did NOT want to, I decided to run/ walk/ jog for 45 minutes. Every day I plan to keep running longer and further. Yesterday was just a test day. Figured out that I can not run when the sun is beaming on me. I went running around 4 yesterday, which was a horrible idea, for me personally. I like running either at sunset or sunrise. During the day is NOT for me.

Some hiking pictures from 2 weekends ago.

Until next time,
– Nicole.

Comments ▼

those are beautiful pictures! I really like the flower photo.