Half Marathon Training Recap

November 15, 2012

When I signed up for the half marathon, I knew I would be following a plan to help guide me through.  I found the and decided to implement that.  The Novice 2 plan was designed to fill the gap between those just beginning running and those who have run a few half marathons before. 

Long Runs

Although I didn’t always follow the plan exactly, I did get in the majority of my long runs.  Long runs were done on the weekends which gave me the time I needed to dedicate to the run.  During the week, I never had the time to run 10 miles, get a shower, and commute to work.  The plan calls for you to run 12 miles as the highest mileage run, but I stopped at 10 because I was a few weeks behind on training.  No need to get injured running that last 12 miler a week before the half marathon.







Cross Training

I was supposed to do cross training in the plan, but I didn’t.  It’s crazy how when I’m told to do something I don’t do it, but when I’m not following a strict plan I do it anyway.  For instance, all summer I took yoga classes- so when I found out I had to practice yoga once a week for my half marathon plan, I thought it would be easy.  NO.  I barely did any cross training.  I did however do the occasional weight training workout.  I even did a post in July called, “Why Cross Training is Important for Runners.”

why cross training is important for runners


Short Runs

I unfortunately didn’t keep up with the shorter runs in the plan.  I ran as many miles as I felt like doing on each particular day.  I wish I would have stuck with the plan in this regard, but I didn’t and that’s okay.  I don’t think it will make much of a difference.


Overall, I’m not completely pleased with the way my training worked out, but there’s nothing I can change at this point.  I’m very excited to try my best on Sunday and just make it across the finish line.  I won’t be worried about time or pace.  The only thing that will be running through my mind on Sunday is the joy I will get from seeing the finish line.

Talk to Me

  • Give me some insight on your first half marathon.
  • Leave your questions below on anything you’d like me to talk about next week following the half marathon.
  • What’s your favorite thing to do the night before a race?
Comments ▼

Sounds like you’re as prepared as possible! My goal for the Disney Princess Half is the same… to finish. I’m not worried about how fast I complete the race.

Oh yay! I hear the Disney Princess Half is a bunch of fun! Never been to Disney but if I go, I’m definitely running!

I ran my first half marathon last March. Training didn’t quite go as planned and then I did a 12 mile run I believe it was 12 days before the half… and injured my peroneal tendon. I was one the verge of tears every time I tried to walk for the next 5 days. I could go on and on about all the other details and the new shoes I had just gotten and didn’t wear on the long run but decided they were getting broken in on the half marathon (not recommended of course!)… So in the end I didn’t even worry about my training.. I didn’t even know if my foot would be able to handle it. It felt ‘better’ by race day… around mile 8 I was over come with emotion because somehow knowing I had made it that far I was going to cross that finish line. I did in just over 2:07 and it was the most incredible feeling ever! Things may not go perfectly… but once you gross that finish line none of it matters, you did it.

Sorry for the novel. Good luck! You will do amazingly!