Hurricane Sandy

October 30, 2012

For those of you who were also hit with Hurricane Sandy, I hope all of you are safe. 


Bry and I were without power from 5pm-8pm last night and then it went out again at some point in the middle of the night.  It’s still out.  We didn’t suffer any major damages, no flooding, and no harm to our cars.  I really do appreciate all of you thoughts and prayers on , Twitter, and Instagram last night after I posted this photo:


We preoccupied ourselves by playing Checkers and reading.  It was a very long night!  I can’t even imagine what it was like in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.  I feel terrible even mentioning Sandy, because I’m sure this is just 1% of what Katrina victims went through. 

Because our power is still out and I didn’t have work again this morning, I went to my local Whole Foods and they had FREE coffee, cereal, pastries, and an area to charge electronics. 


Unfortunately, my computer wasn’t cooperating with their wifi, so I relocated to Starbucks.  So as I type this I’m sitting at a Starbucks, enjoying the Internet again, and catching up on some freelance projects.

If you’re out driving today and were hit with Sandy, please be careful for down power lines and trees!  Don’t forget about slippery leaves. 

Normal posting (and running) will begin again tomorrow.

Talk to Me

  • Were you hit with Sandy? If so, any damages?
  • What do you like to do when there is no power?
  • Any healthy food options for when you have no power and no refrigerated food?
Comments ▼

Glad to hear that you guys are safe and sound. Living on the west coast all we’ve been really talking about is the 7.7 earthquake that happened over the weekend (in Northern BC/ Near Alaska)

When the power goes out and depending on what time it goes out, I normally just read or sleep or head to the gym or workout in my backyard.

Yes, we are staying with Bryan’s parents until we figure out what’s going on with our power. We tried reading but it was pretty dark still LOL and our gym was closed 😡

Chelsea @ GlitterAndSweat

seems like everyone is talking about coffee today lol hope you guys stay safe! i’m on the west coast and haven’t been hit by it.
i usually like to play board games when the power goes out lol not sure why
defrost some vegetables and maybe some canned foods?

Chelsea, you’re lucky you’re on the west coast. We didn’t get hit too hard but I heard NYC is a mess right now.

We ended up going to Bryan’s parent’s house until the power goes back. My electric company can’t give us an estimate on when it’ll return. BLAH

I’m definitely thinking about you! I was lucky enough not to lose power, so I’m offering hot showers and cooked meals if you’re in the area. 😉

I was so thankful that we didn’t lose power, but I actually couldn’t believe it. The winds last night were crazy!!! I hope your power comes back on soon!

Me too! It’s still out I think. We’re spending time with Bryan’s parents until we figure out what’s going on. Hopefully it doesn’t last into the weekend.

Glad you are ok! We luckily kept our power throughout the storm, we are definitely blessed!

Glad to hear that you are safe!! I hope your power is restored shortly!

Thanks Karen. Not on yet (from what our electric company told me online). Can’t wait until things are back to normal!