March Goals

March 5, 2013

It’s now March 5th, so I guess it’s a good time to figure out my March monthly goals.  This is going to be a shorter post than normal, because I’m actually running a bit late this morning. 

The great thing about making monthly goals as opposed to only setting yearly resolutions is that if your priorities change, you can switch your goals around as well. 



1.  Find a wedding venue.  Yep, it’s still on the list.  At some point we’ll find the perfect venue in our budget, but it’s been 3 months since our engagement and we haven’t figured that part out yet.  We’ve toured a handful of places and found a good one, but are 100% sure that it’s over our budget and we would be hating ourselves later if we booked it and then couldn’t afford a nice photographer. 

2. Take at least 1 yoga class this month.  This goal is also still on my list.  Yoga puts me in a better mood and makes me feel great overall.  I’m going to get to at least one yoga class this month or do some at-home yoga in our new apartment!  We’ll have the extra space for a bit until we get a dining room table.

3.  Experiment with other juicing recipes.  I LOVE my carrot, celery, spinach and apple juice, but I know myself – if I keep drinking it I will eventually end up hating it.  And I don’t want to hate it!  I hope to try new recipes and find a few other juices to add to my rotation.

4. Read a good book.  I have a few books that I received from Runner’s World that I need to start reading, and I’d also like to revisit a few books on my bookshelf. 

5.  Get my hair, skin and nails in order.  All three take on a beating when I’m stressed out.  I’m thinking that when I start taking yoga classes again all will balance itself out.  Here’s to hoping.  Plus, I just really need a good trim – split ends are the WORST!

Talk to Me

  • What are your goals for the month of March?
  • What books are you currently reading?  Anything good?
  • Random question: how often do you paint your nails?
Comments ▼

I’m with you on the hair skin and nails. Mine have been out of whack lately, but I haven’t had the time for a haircut, facial and mani/pedi.

I always have to have my nails painted. If the aren’t painted, I’m biting or picking at them – which reminds me, I should probably paint them tonight!

I’m with you on books. I’ve been reading one for SOOO long and just never get to finishing it. I like it, too. I have some other books I really want to start as well.

I used to love reading. IDK when I fell off the band wagon, but it’s time to get back on!

I think read a book is going to be a goal of mine too!

Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

I paint my nails about 1-2 a week, and push and cut back my own cuticles once a week. My goals are: to stay sickfree!! I hated being sick January and February, and to also just stay more positive 🙂