May Goal Recap

June 2, 2012

May wasn’t a good month for goals.  I forgot about a few of them and others I disregarded on purpose.  My goals for June WILL be accomplished.  You have my word 😉  Here’s a recap of my goals from May.


Strides for Stroke 5K in Philadelphia PA

  1. Run 5 mi on the treadmill [did not complete]. I plan on running more in June.
  2. Register for a race for June [completed].  I am being sponsored to run the Strikes for Stroke 5K on June 10th in Philly!  Info on this soon!
  3. Practice yoga at least 1x a week [did not complete].  I did however start properly stretching more.



  1. Develop a good face routine [completed].  My skin isn’t perfect as I’d like, but I am returning my Clarisonic and that seems to be helping.  I’ll be doing a full skin care post at the end of June if my current routine helps.
  2. Drink at least 48oz. of water daily [did not complete].  Ugh, I need to start drinking more water!  If any one has any tips, please comment below.
  3. Start keeping a written journal [did not complete].  I didn’t have time this month to dedicate toward finding the perfect journal. I do hope to do this soon.



  1. Put together a notebook for post ideas [did not complete].  Working on this.
  2. Publish more interview posts [did not complete]. Working on this.
  3. Begin a guest posting series [did not complete]. Working on this.

Okay, so overall I didn’t accomplish a lot of my goals for May.  I won’t write out all these excuses, so we will just leave it like it is: I didn’t accomplish a lot of my goals.  Did you accomplish your goals for May?  Write below the favorite thing that you’ve accomplished last month.

Comments ▼

Hey there! I always drink two glasses of water right when I wake up (while I’m waiting for the coffee to brew). I also try to drink a glass of water before lunch and during lunch as well as before dinner and during dinner. That’s 6 glasses right there!

that’s a good schedule! Thanks for the advice, Eva!

I used to be really good at writing goal posts for each month, but that’s sort of fallen by the wayside. I plan to do a June goals post within the next few days!

I’m with you on the drinking more water thing!

It’s so hard! I’ve never been a huge water drinker, but I need to start! Let me know what works for you.