
January 9, 2011
February Cosmo + Lindt Dark Chocolate w/ Sea Salt
I am not the biggest fan of dark chocolate. I grew up eating milk chocolate and tried giving dark chocolate a chance once, and never tried it again. However, one bite into that baby up there and I fell in love. It is so yummy, creamy, with a hint of salt! It is great for eating after dinner when you just want something small and sweet. It’s even better in the refrigerator, trust me. 
What are your necessities this week?
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Yeah you really have to try it. It's DELISH. Oh BTW I may have a contest coming up, so please "follow me"

Oh yum!

Some of my necessities are country, the likes of Miranda Lambert and chocolate & wine.

I don't like dark chocolate either but I really want to try that! 🙂