Good morning, readers.  I hope you all are having a fantastic week.  Finally, the weather in the Philadelphia area has cooled down a bit.  As you know from some of my Twitter posts over the last week, the weather here has been in the 70s and 80s!  I’m glad that I can start to wear sweaters and boots soon.  Also, please note that this post is a bit short today because I have a doctor’s appointment this morning.  More about that below. 

As I started thinking about what I was going to write about today, I realized that I never listed my October goals.  I’m not sure why it has taken me until October 9th to set my goals for the month, but whatever. 

october goals

1.  Finish Yogatober and document my workouts weekly.

2.  Figure out what’s going on with my chin.  Okay, so I didn’t explain this to you guys yet but on Sunday night I randomly got a massive bump on my chin.  I’m not sure what it is, but my entire chin is swollen and inflamed.  Even the sides of my jaw are swollen.  Hurts like hell and it actually made me nauseous all day Monday.  Luckily, I have a dermatologist appointment this morning at 8AM.  I did so much reading online since Sunday night about this thing.  Maybe it’s a spider bite?  Maybe it’s a cyst?  Either way it’s gross and I want to know what it is and I want it gone. 

3.  Take advantage of workouts outdoor workouts.


Talk to Me

  • Have any of you ever had a random bump show up on your face that wasn’t acne?
  • What are your goals for October?
  • What’s the weather like in your town?
Comments ▼
Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

I’ve never had that happen to my chin, I hope they figure it out and get rid of it!! My goals are to keep in mind what I want in the long end (to help keep me motivated in school), Always remember PMA (PositiveMentalAttitude), and to stretch at least three times a week, I was stretching every night, but we do a lot of stretching in pilates (I do that 3x a week) and that was making me sore, so I’m just going to do it on the nights I don’t have Pilates 🙂

Danielle @ It's A Harleyyy Life

Hope your chin isn’t a big problem!

off to see what the heck it is as my OCTOBER goals include lottsa yoga.