Reflections on Turning 30

December 14, 2018

Hi hi. It’s December 14th, which means today is my birthday. Not just any old birthday… it’s a big one. I’m 30! Age is just a number, but I’ll be honest and say that I was a bit sad this morning when I realized that I’m no longer in my twenties. So let’s reflect for a moment, shall we? 

Overall my twenties were pretty good. They were filled with some great moments. I graduated from college, got married, moved a bunch, traveled to new places, got Pete our dog, learned a lot about myself, and most importantly had my daughter Vienna. She’s the brightest light in my world. 

Instead of doing a post about all of the things I’ve learned in my twenties (i.e., a denim skirt and Ugg boots together is never a good look), I wanted to mention the most important lesson of all. I can conquer the hardest things in life, as long as I have a solid support system. Good family and friends is absolutely necessary, everything else is a bonus.

As I enter my thirties, I want to remember that highs and lows are inevitable. Some years will have more of one or the other, but at the end of the day everything is easier with a little bit of help. To quote my favorite band The Beatles, “I get by with a little help from my friends.” << LOL I had to, it was too easy. 

Can’t wait to see what this next decade brings! 

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