February 4, 2010
Today felt like such a long long day. & it’s not even over. Listening to the script right now. I LOVE that band. anyways, there’s a lot of dancing to do later tonight. I am going to a master class at 7. And then I’m holding rehearsal from 8:30-9:30. At least tomorrow I am off from school. I can get some homework done, and wait for the snow to start.
Started a formspring so click there & start asking me questions. I promise to check in a few times a day and answer your questions. A few bloggies have been starting one, so I decided to hop on the bandwagon =)
Eh. I just want to nap. I skipped on the gym today because I am going to dance tonight. I will probably go tomorrow morning though, since I don’t have classes and I’m not going to be able to go on Saturday. Blah. I really feel like just snuggling up in my bed and saying a big “F— You” to my plans later. Haha. But however, life doesn’t work that way. DAMN.
Oh well good news is I am baking cookies with the boyfriend this weekend. Lets hope my kitchen doesn’t blow up! Woo.
xoxo, Nicole.
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just found your blog and you're so adorable =)