To-do Lists

September 21, 2011

Good morning my lovely readers.  For those of you who just found my blog (probably from Facebook)… welcome!  Hopefully you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing.  You can read reviews, my favorite posts, and more.  Glad you could join us today. 

Yesterday, Bry & I realized that we forgot a few things at Target from our trip the other day.  Sometimes I think that my mind purposely forgets to remember to buy things so I have to go back to Target another day.  Here’s what made it into my cart these past two target trips: cotton rounds for eye makeup removal (not pictured),

 Revlon- “Wine with Everything”

New notebook for making daily to-do lists
See, I didn’t buy too many things this time!  This may or may not have to do with the fact I spent some money shopping last weekend while in Philly.  Either way, I am very happy with my purchases.  That Revlon lipstick looks so amazing on.  The color isn’t a true red, but instead a mix of red and purple.  Even though Bry hates red lipstick, I decided to buy it anyway and keep it on deck for that special night out.  
Today, I have some freelancing articles to catch up on, a meeting, then a Philly Fashion Week event! Pretty busy day, but I promise a much more detailed post tomorrow morning!
What do you use to make your to-do lists? Notebooks, cell phone apps?
Comments ▼

I'm all about to-do lists! i honestly have a little journal dedicated just to my "to do" lists. love it.