Weekend Recap (3/8- 3/10)

March 11, 2013

This weekend was gorgeous.  If you’re in the Philadelphia area, you know that the weather this weekend was in the low 60s/high 50s basically all weekend.  It was so nice to have a break from the windy and snowy weather we’ve been having lately.  I know that the nice weather probably won’t last too long, so I took advantage of lots of outdoor time this weekend.


After work on Friday, I came home, took a shower and went to bed.  Not even lying.  I was extremely exhausted.  I’m pretty sure I was sleeping by 9:30PM Friday night.  I didn’t sleep that well on Thursday night, so by the end of the day Friday I was ready to catch up on some ZZZs.


Saturday was when the warm weather rolled in.  Bryan was gone for the morning, so I headed out to Target to pick up a few things for our new place.  We’re moving this Thursday-Saturday!  We get our keys to our new apartment on Thursday, so Bry and I will be moving some smaller items into the new place Thursday and Friday.  That way when we have the moving truck on Saturday it hopefully won’t take too long. 

While at Target I picked up the cutest kitchen rug!  It’s from the Threshold line.  It’s appearing a bit darker in this photo – it’s more of a medium tan as opposed to the dark brown showing below. 


After Target, I stopped at Ann Taylor Loft and picked up a dress for my friend Lauren’s bridal shower! Typically it would take me a few trips to find a dress for a special occasion, but this time I got it on the first try – with help from the Loft store manager.  Photos of that later to come.

On Saturday night, Leslee from Her Happy Balance came over with her boyfriend for game night.  We had a great time eating snacks and playing MadGab.  I’ve never played it before, but it was a lot of fun.  Bryan was actually REALLY good at it. 


(Leslee’s photo)


Sunday was a busy day in our household.  We made a LOT of errands to pick up moving materials.  We went to Walmart, Loews, and then back to Walmart again.  We had to get a lot of packing materials – boxes, tape, bubblewrap etc.  Lots of stuff that we had to spend money on that we didn’t want to spend money on, basically. 

Sunday afternoon, I started packing!  Our bathroom is pretty much done- minus the shower items we’re using the week.  My shoes and much of the stuff in my bedside table is packed as well.  I’m sure I’ll get a lot more done early this week.

We ended the weekend watching Revenge!  WOO!  I love that show.  It was the first episode since the brief hiatus they were on.  Can’t wait to see next week’s episode!!

Talk to Me

  • How was your weekend?
  • What are some of your favorite moving tips?
  • What’s your favorite way to spend a warm spring day?
Comments ▼

Ugh, I am NOT a fan of moving! But it’s always so fun to get set up in a new place.

Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

My weekend was pretty nice, got to catch up with a friend, then just relaxed and did a little food prep on sunday 🙂 Loved the weather, it was too nice 🙂 Can’t wait to see the dress!

I HAVE EIGHTY BILLION MOVING TIPS if you wanna email :0)
but it’s sooo nice when yer done.
