Why I Think My Training Isn’t Working

October 16, 2012

Let’s be honest for a second (actually I’m always honest, but anyway…), my hasn’t been going as planned.  If you follow me on Twitter or Daily Mile, you already knew that.  I haven’t been talking about it as much on my blog, because I get annoyed with myself. 


No, I am not ungodly tan in the middle of October. This is a recycled photo from the summer.

Yesterday after work I wanted to get my 9 miles that I missed this weekend completed.  Let’s take a look at my day yesterday…

5:30:  Get out of bed
12:00:  Eat lunch at my desk
3:00:  Start getting excited about running outside
4:00:  Scary thunderstorm occurs, but still excited to hop on the treadmill later
5:00:  Exhaustion hits
5:45:  Arrive home and eat a handful of Twislers for some energy
6:00:  Arrive at gym and start running
6:10:  Decide 1 mi is all I have in me, because my stomach started to hurt really bad

Let’s just say that I spent all of maybe 15 minutes in the gym yesterday and that eating Twislers before a run didn’t work as planned.  I hope all candy doesn’t hurt my stomach, because I want to try Swedish Fish mid-run like my blogging buddy, Janae

I can’t say that it was proudest moments, but I angrily got into my car (yes, I drove over to the gym which took about 1 min. because it was still storming) and slammed the door.  I REALLY wanted to run yesterday.  Although I was tired, I wanted to feel better and get some miles done.  I only completed 3 miles last week, and probably that much the week before. 

HELP!  I’m stuck in a rut and I need to get out.

Why I think My Training Isn’t Working

2012 USA Olympic Marathon Trials
Oh Kara, why can’t I be just like you!?

  1. I didn’t schedule smaller distance races.  I haven’t done a 5K since the summer and I think that not having a smaller race to look forward to has really made me unmotivated to keep going. 
  2. I know I needed to get weight training completed, but I haven’t been doing it.  This makes long runs tough because you NEED muscles to run 13.1.  If I think I have any chance in finishing the 13.1, I have to suck it up and spend more time in the gym.
  3. I’m letting stress get the best of me.  I saw my training start to head downhill once I started my new job.  I was working more hours, and leaving less downtime.  I wasn’t just working more hours at my full-time job, but also spending more time catching up on blogging/freelancing etc.  If I want to complete this half marathon, I need to dedicate at LEAST an hour each day to training.

Talk to Me

  • How is your training going?  Have you suffered any setbacks yet?
  • How do you get out of running ruts?
  • On an unrelated note… I have to go to the sporting goods store today to get rain gear for Saturday’s .  What do you recommend? 
Comments ▼

My best advice is to plan ahead as much as possible and even set up a reward system for goals along the way. It can be rewards like getting to add a new song to your playlist or treating yourself to a manicure or something. I feel you on training seeming to consistently go wrong, though. I’ve been there and it’s SO frustrating. But I always try to view it as I have two options…give up or make the best of it.

Last week, my training was pretty much non-existent (I only went on one run). I’m determined to get back on track this week though! I ran 2.5 yesterday and I’m excited to run again tomorrow to the new Taylor Swift CD! 🙂

OO new Taylor Swift! Ive never been a fan, but I LOVE that song “never getting back together”. That reminds me that I have to download the new Script CD!!!

I’m sorry your training hasn’t been going well. I have no experience training for anything more than a 5k so I’m no help but I’m thinking good running thoughts for you! 😀

thanks, erin. trying to keep my head up and getting motivated to keep going!

I think it is awesome that you really figured out what you have (and have not) been doing and are able to figure out what to change to reach your goal. That takes a lot! I have had those days where you want to do way more than you do, and you are disappointed and frustrated, but the thing is you just have to keep going, remember that you can start new tomorrow, I know you want to be serious about your training and you should be – but don’t forget to enjoy the process and enjoy yourself, have a little fun! If you don’t you are more likely to burn out. Wish you the best of luck!

Dawn, thank you for your kind words. I have to remember to relax and keep it fun. It shouldn’t be stressful!

I know the feeling girl. I’m in the middle of a 12 week training program –> 4 days weights, 2-4 days of low intensity cardio, and 2-4 days of HIIT. I’m hitting ALL of my weight days but the cardio is a different story. I hate having to go back to the gym twice in one day and I don’t have enough time in the day to spend an hour or more at the gym, so I only have time for one session (and I usually pick weights because I enjoy it more!)
I haven’t found the answer yet to time management BUT I am making it a goal to hit EVERYTHING this week. Good luck on your training!

I think I might start doing the Live Fit trainer again. I miss weights!! Have you tried that plan?

I feel ya! Every time I train for something I get thrown off track because of lack of time, stress, or exhaustion! I always look at these people that squeeze in training runs no matter what the time, weather, day, etc…and I just think, “Why can’t I be like them!?” I can just tell you to stick with it and push this last run out of your mind and try it again when you feel better about it! 🙂

Ah my thoughts exactly! I need to just relax and do it!

I think that weight training is over-rated, yes it helps, but at the same time, for me it is low on the list of priorities to get done. I haven’t lifted consistently all year and I am running better than I have in many years, simply because I am running more.

Sometimes life gets in the way of running and you have to make concessions to life, we can’t all do everything and be everything. Cut yourself some slack, enjoy your running and do what you can, instead of what you think you should be doing. Use the runs as your stress relief, instead of causing you more stress.

Re-read your post today and think about what are you in control of changing. Then work on those things first, but keep moving forward 🙂

Your comment totally made my day! I absolutely am happy I have you as a reader 🙂