Friday Favorites

August 2, 2013

Yay Friday.  I’m so happy this week is finally over, because it was such a crappy one.  But now it’s almost the weekend, so that’s all that matters.  I have a lot of nothing planned this weekend, and that’s amazing.  I’ll have a lot of down time to do whatever I want; which probably means a few naps, yoga at-home, catching up on TV and maybe going grocery shopping.

Here are my Friday Favorites!


CHEEZ-IT Pepper Jack.  These are not the healthiest snack option, but they are yummy!  If you love pepper jack cheese, I highly recommend them.  They are pretty spicy, but so good.  I’ve actually never seen these in the grocery store before.  I picked this box up at Target.  So, I’m not sure where else you can buy them.  But if you can find them and you like spicy things, I highly suggest you pick up a box.  You won’t be disappointed.


Clipping coupons in the Target parking lot.  What, you mean you don’t clip coupon in the parking lot too?  Target has this new free app called, Cartwheel, that allows you to save coupons from the app to your phone.  When you get up to the cash register, all they have to do is scan ONE barcode from your phone and it accounts for all the coupons you saved to the app.  Pretty amazing, if you ask me.  I was clipping more coupons though, because you can double up with manufacturer ones.  AWESOME!


Yesterday I did an arms yoga series via Reflexion Yoga.  I absolutely love this website.  With so many videos to watch, I know I’ll never get bored because there are so many options.  Not feeling like it’s a leg day?  Do an arm day.  Want a full body work out?  Try one of their yoga flow videos.  Only have 15 minutes to spare, do one of there under 30 min videos.  I’m trying to get into the routine of doing at least one yoga video a day, so yesterday started with the arms series.  I’ll probably do another arm video today after work.  NAMASTE!

Talk to Me

  • What are your Friday Favorites?
  • Any cool things planned this weekend?
  • What’s your favorite CHEEZ-IT variety?
Comments ▼
Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

I use to love Cheez-Its, but after finding out that I’m lactose intolerant, and trying them again, they just don’t taste the same. It’s a good thing, but at the same time a bad lol. That app is too cool! I’ll have to download it and start clipping!

Danielle @ It's A Harleyyy Life

I love cheese its. I haven’t tried that flavor but whenever they are in the house I must eat the whole box. I try to keep them away but they are so good!