Friday Favorites

August 10, 2012

This week was very different than other weeks.  For one, I haven’t gone for a run since my 5K PR last Saturday.  It wasn’t completely intentional.  I wanted to integrate other workouts this week in between higher mileage runs, but then Zumba happened.  Wednesday morning my calf was burning and I knew I was injured!  I even worked from home on Thursday, because it hurt to put any pressure on it.  I haven’t run in a week, but it’s best for me right now to just let my leg rest.  I’m probably go for a light run on Sunday morning if my calf feels 100% better by then.  I’m itching to get out there and run!

So you clearly know my non-favorite things this week, but how about some Friday Favorites!

Baked breaded eggplant for Thursday night dinner

CHO mango might be tied with blood orange as my all time favorite CHO flavor

Spending Thursday in comfy clothes icing my calf wasn’t too bad

My new toothpaste obsession.

Throwback song of the week: Monica “Angel of Mine”

I’m hoping to go to Musikfest this weekend at some point and catch up on some freelance projects on Sunday after pool time.

What are your Friday Favorites?
Any exciting plans for the weekend?

Comments ▼

I love mango chobani! Does the Toms toothpaste really whiten your teeth? I’ve been wanting to buy some but haven’t had the courage to get it!

Well I got my teeth professional whitened at my dentist, so I just wanted something to sort of keep up with that. I do love it though!

miss that song! I love eggplant too! I’ve never been to musikfest but i’ve always heard good things!

Haha oh the 90s. Best stuff ever! Yeah musikfest is pretty cool. We went last year and had a good time and it’s not too far from my home, so we’re going this year too.

Ohh yeah I’d love to hear the eggplant recipe. I was JUST given a garden-fresh eggplant !

Baked breaded eggplant sounds delicious! Any particular recipe you followed?

Chobani….always a Friday Favorite! Actually…EVERYDAY favorite! 🙂

I think we may be long lost sisters. All of these things I love and now I will have “Angel of Mine” in my head ALL day! Weekend plans are shopping for the week tomorrow and running with a friend on Sunday morning!

Glad to hear you’re taking it easy on the leg!! A light run and a good long stretch might be just what you need! I’ll definitely have my fingers crossed for you! 🙂

Monica! Ahhh! I loved the song. I need to listen to it asap! 🙂

Weekend plans – testing out my knee after 2 weeks of not running. Fingers crossed!!!

Haha, yes what a throwback! It was on the One Direction Pandora station I believe. LOL.
Good luck this weekend! Don’t push too hard.

Totally forgot about Monica! That song was such a huge hit back in the day!

Plans for the weekend? Relaxin’

Relaxing, ahh. That’s all I want to do! This has been quite a strange week.

weekend plans include walking another 5K. really looking forward to it since our temps have cooled considerably!

Good luck this weekend at your 5K Glenneth!