
August 9, 2012

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I wanted to do things other than run this week.  Sunday I swam laps at our pool and Tuesday I went to Zumba.  Then Wednesday morning happened.  I woke up and thought to myself, “Wow my calves are killing me… did I run yesterday?”  Nope, I didn’t.

I took a Zumba class with a terrible instructor.  The class I went to was supposed to have the instructor that taught during my first zumba class, however I’m guessing she was sick b/c it wasn’t her.  Instead it was another woman, who I’m guessing was not certified because she had no idea what she was doing.  I don’t want to sound like a snob, but if I’m paying for a class I want a teacher who is a) certified and b) remembers the routines.  This woman would start a routine and then kind of forget what the previous steps were and just make up the rest.  This made it VERY difficult to follow along and really brought down the energy of the class.  I talked about before about my first Zumba class and how I wished the energy was a bit higher… well that class’s energy was 20x more than the class I took on Tuesday. UGH.

ANYWAY, the purpose of the post was to talk about this pain I have.   The pain is centralized on the inside of my calf (left side of right calf) up to under my knee.  I’m in pain when I flex my right foot and when I walk and put pressure on any part of my foot.

After looking online for different things that this pain could be, I found the following things:

  1. Muscle tear.
  2. Muscle pull.
  3. Muscle strain.
  4. Ligament tear.

Last night it pained me to do so, but I took out Mr. Foam Roller and tried to massage my calf.  OUCH OUCH OUCH.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with this pain today, because it honestly hurts to walk around.  Some advice I received said to do the whole RICE thing.

  1. Rest
  2. Ice
  3. Compression
  4. Elevate

Doing these things at work may be difficult.  Let’s take a look…

Rest:  I can only do this so much, because I walk around a lot at work.  However, today I plan to stop running around the office like a crazy person and just sit.
Ice:  I can probably bring an ice pack to the office with me.  That shouldn’t be too big of an issue.
Compression:  I can’t really wear my compression socks at work b/c I only have them in obnoxiously bright colors.
Elevate:  The only thing I can do to elevate my leg is to place it on my computer tower.  I guess that will have to work.

Any other advice?  I plan to rest this thing, and if it’s still really hurting on Monday I’m going to have to see someone.


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My doctor recommended a golf ball muscle roller which i use before and after i run, wow what a difference!! Everyone needs one,night and day difference!

Hi Nicole…nice name by the way 😉

I know this post is old but i’m currently having these exact same issues. I googled and it brought me to your post. What did you do that ultimately worked and how long was recovery? I have been RICEing as much as I can but work a lot too and walk around alot. I’m working from home for a while. A knee injury strained my calf I think. Thanks so much! ~Nicole M

Thanks danielle. it feels the same as this morning unfortunately, but I’m wearing my compression socks to bed so many that will help a bit.

Rest up! I know injuries really suck! I have had to take off running for quite awhile now because my hip was getting sore. Better to rest now then to cause a more serious injury!! Get well soon!

My calf was killing me a few weeks ago! Hurt to walk on it. Rest and ice did it some major good.

Hope it heals up soon! Take good care 🙂

I also need to invest in less vibrant compression socks. I’m on maternity leave now but when I go back to work, I tend to run/workout in the morning. I don’t think my co-workers want to see me bright pink socks lighting up the office.

I’m also going through a similar thing with my hip. Trying to rest it but wanting/needing to keep training for my half mary in a couple of months. Gah!

Oh..and crappy instructors SUCK!

Oh no! Sorry, I don’t know much about injury treatment, but I will send my well wishes to you and your calf!

I know your pain – mine is currently centralized in my ankle region and i’m RICEing as well… except I am wearing my obnoxiously bright compression sleeves to work anyway! At least I’m wearing long pants, right?

I decided to work from home today b/c i need to keep it iced and elevated. plus i couldnt put pressure on it to drive ahhhh

Keep stretching and foam rolling in addition to the RICE. Good luck!

Try using a rolling pin to massage the calf. You it puts a little more pressure on it than the foam roller, so that may help work it out. It’s going to hurt but hopefully it’ll help. I second the RICE recommendation. Compress your little heart out and become BFFs with your ice packs 🙂

Keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery!!

Thanks Melissa, I’m hoping this goes away before Monday. If its still hurting by then, I’ll prob have to see a doctor.

I’m sorry. I know it’s difficult but make sure you’re fully healed before getting back to working out. Wishing you the best!

Oh no! Hopefully it’s just sore & you won’t have to visit the doctor. Fingers crossed for you!

Thanks Erica. It sucks big time. My training for my first half begins at the end of the month and this better not push it off.

i was just talking about how i need a pair of black compression socks that i can wear to work! bright pink isn’t working…hope you feel better soon!

Yes black would have worked for work, but im wearing a dress today anyway, so no socks for me.