Although I had off on Monday for labor day, this week sure did drag along!  There’s nothing like waking up on Friday morning realizing that only a few hours separates me from the weekend.  Yesterday was a terrible day, because as I noted on Twitter…


no comment. 

Although yesterday afternoon wasn’t the best, there were some great things about my week.  Let’s take a look.


Dark nails for pre-fall.  I’m no longer waiting for the weather to get cooler!  I’m going to be wearing dark polish early this year.  In the photo above, I’m wearing OPI Ski Teal We Drop.



Rainy afternoons.  This picture was taken in the Whole Foods parking lot during a phone meeting I had.  There was no way that I was getting out of my car to run into Whole Foods, so I had a great view of the storm from inside my car.


Fashion’s Night Out (FNO) on Thursday was a good time as usual.  I got to see some of my blogger friends, make mental notes of fall fashion that I must purchase and sample some food with Bryan.  The mall didn’t have the typical fashion show that they had in years past.  Instead the models wore this seasons fashions during a mock photo shoot.  I can’t say that I was a fan of this.  I prefer to sit at the fashion show with the music pumping and the models walking past.  They did have a separate blogger section right near the models, but unfortunately the energy wasn’t as high as during the fashion show.  Sorry, FNO.

The launch of my video series on the

Talk to Me

  • If you attended FNO, what did you think?
  • Have you started wearing dark nail polish?  What’s your favorite fall hue?
  • Essie or OPI?
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Chelsea @ GlitterAndSweat

I’m sorry about your bad day yesterday 🙁 I hope you weekend to better to make up for it 🙂 I’ve never been to a FNO, never even knew they had them lol I love dark teal, or dark gray, I’m wearing dark gray right now, maybe dark teal will be next 🙂

I love dark nailpolishes!

Looking forward to following the video series!

Stealing Chobani = mortal sin that should warrant CSI investigation. Seriously.
I only recently started wearing nail polish on my toes … I used to think that it made them look stubby, but I actually like it. I’m on the hunt for some great nail polish for my fingers now. I’ll probably go for a darker green colour. 🙂
Hope that your Friday is so much more fabulous than your Terrible Thursday!!