Half Marathon Week 1 & August Goals Recap

September 3, 2012

First off, happy labor day!  Today is a rest day during my training schedule and I am glad that I also have a day off from work.  Perfect way to have a Monday.  I feel like a kid in a candy store! 


As you can tell from the title of this post, this is not my typical Weekend Recap.  From now until the Philadelphia Half, I will be recapping my week of training on Mondays.  I thought about doing this recap on Friday, but my long runs don’t happen until Saturdays.  Unfortunately I didn’t feel so great this weekend, so my long run (4 mi) and cross training never happened.  week1recap

August Goals Recap

  1. Run a 5K in under 30 minutes during a race (Completed!)  I ran a 28:52 5K during the event earlier this month. 
  2. Run 15 mile weeks and weight train at least 1x a week (Did not complete).  Unfortunately I during a Zumba class this month and took some time off from running.  However, now with beginning, I am ready to take on these miles!
  3. Purchase a Garmin 405 (Did not complete).   No money in the the bank for this one.
  4. Organize my important documents into my own filing cabinet (Did not complete).
  5. Really start taking time to develop a small business project that I may want to start (Did not complete).  Not sure when I’ll have time to do this, but maybe in a few months.  New things are coming soon which I’ll talk about in a couple weeks.
  6. Cut down my iced coffee addiction and supplement it with water (Completed!)  My daily trips to Dunkin Donuts for iced coffee haven’t happened that frequently during August.  However, now that pumpkin is back in stock for September at Starbucks…. this may be an issue.
  7. Start a Youtube account for the blog (Did not complete.)  I do plan to do this in the very near future though.  Just waiting for my header to be updated so I can visually brand my youtube channel as well.
  8. Update my media kit (Completed!)  If you’d like to work with me and see my media kit, please contact me.
  9. Update my Favorites page (Completed!)  I also changed the format of my blog around a bit.  Before it had 1 sidebar, now it has 2.

Up tomorrow: my late September goals.

Talk to Me

  • How is your marathon training coming along?
  • What did you do this holiday weekend?
  • Did you complete your August goals?
Comments ▼

Great job on those goals! Sounds like most had a strong effort, even the uncompleted, but mostly successful! Nice work.

I like the double sidebar, and the favorites page is a great idea!

Amanda @ Let Me Be What's Underneath

Way to go with making progress on your August goals, Nicole! 🙂

Thanks Amanda! I could have done better, but at least it’s a new month now.

Three weeks left until my half-marathon! I can’t believe it’s coming up so soon!! Rocked the 11 mile run last week, looking forward to the 12 miler this week. Definitely less sore with every passing week.

I worked through this weekend. Bummer, but making 1.5x regular pay is always fabulous.

Starting a blog was my biggest August goal, which I succeeded in! But I’m more proud of rocking one of my September goals already!!

Working during a holiday is a bummer, but higher pay is great! Starting a blog is so exciting. Good luck!