On Making Friends As An Adult

December 27, 2023

Making friends as an adult isn’t easy. Unless you’re part of a recreational sports team, class, or other type of organized activity, it’s difficult to really bond with a group of like-minded adults. Add the increased stress of being a parent, and it seems like a lofty goal. 

My most recent friend group met at our kids’ preschool. A few of us were already friends and we started doing things as a larger group. We quickly bonded over the fact that we had the same parenting struggles. What started as play dates with all the kids turned into nights out with just us moms. I realized over the past year that our group was special when I stopped referring to them as my “mom friends” and just as my friends. 

We have a very active group chat. We are constantly checking in with each other and these texts get me through the day sometimes. We chat about anything and everything. From input on how to deal with tough conversations with our kids to something as simple as a new show to watch… I know that I can count of these ladies for support and love. 

I was out celebrating my birthday with a few of these friends and we got to talking about friendships in your 30s. We chatted candidly about how great it is to have a supportive group like we have. It’s not as common as it should be. While we have different personalities, we mesh perfectly. We balance each other out and at the core we are just unproblematic.

I think that is the secret to making and keeping friends in your adult life. Being unproblematic. Life is already crazy, and the last thing any of us needs is added drama and stress. If my friends and I planned a girl’s night and someone needs a night to binge TV by herself, there’s no animosity or judgment. We know there are nights when things just don’t go as planned. And that is okay. 

In our 30s, as we navigate the complexities of adulthood, the value of true connections becomes immeasurable. Taking the leap and putting yourself out there to make friends can be hard, but incredibly rewarding. Finding your people makes doing this crazy thing called life so worth it.

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