Yep, sitting in my living room today. 
You can see all the boxes behind me for packing.

Currently: looking for jobs online

Location: living room

Mood: distressed
Blah, sometimes I wish I got a different college degree. I have to go back to school in order to get anything worthwhile in my field. I wish I went to school for something more creative, honestly. Something like graphic design, or journalism. I just feel like I don’t know where my career is going to come from. I am not qualified to do much. A bachelors in Psychology is pretty much nothing in comparison to someone with their Doctorate in the field. It is really frustrating. I do really want to help people, it just seems like there is nothing for me right now to do. BLAH.

My to-do list is barely getting accomplished. I have so much laundry and clothes to pack!
I feel as though it has been quite a realization the last few days, since graduation. Sure, I just graduated last Saturday… but I feel as though its time to get my life together and get everything situated. Everything has been feeling very overwhelming lately; graduating, moving, trying to find a job, get out of debt (etc.) Damn, I need some yoga or something into my life to calm me down.

I’ve decided to do the Meditation challenge from Yoga guru Tara Stiles. Pretty much just trying to meditate and focus on breath and awareness for 5 minutes a day. I am going to add this to my lifestyle changes section at the top of my blog.

Comments ▼

i'm in the process of moving too friend. but i get to slowly do it over the next 3 mths. me and christopher got a house 🙂 i cant wait to skype with you. so much to talk about!

sarah danielle

Good luck packing. Ugh, hate packing and moving. It is such a great workout though!

I hope you find a job miss! It is so rewarding to help others.