Iโ€™m a trend setter, an adventurer, a coffee lover and a photographer! I love experiments and personal projects. Finding new perspectives and breathing in new life into old boring scenes is what inspires and gets me excited! If you call yourself a creative, proudly wear that title, be memorable, inspire others and always be ahead of the crowd! Be Evรณra!

Friday Favorites

August 24, 2012

Happy Friday!  Iโ€™ve had a great week so far.  The work week has been productive and this weekend I have the Totally Awesome 80โ€™s 5K on Saturday and a yoga class on Sunday. 

Tonightโ€™s plan is to go to the library to get a library card, go for a run, and just relax at home.  I feel like Iโ€™ve been non-stop on-the-go this week everyday after work.  Tonight will be time to completely unwind, maybe read a new book, and watch some trashy TV.  Perfect.

Here are my Friday Favorites from this past week.


iced pumpkin coffee from Dunkin Donuts!



A new yoga studio offered free classes this week!
My first hot power yoga class.  Iโ€™ll update you on this early next week.



Visiting a pet store on my lunch break with friends.



This box of joy arriving on my doorstep on Wednesday.



Getting motivation during my run on Monday on Twitter!

What are some of your favorites from this past week?
Any good plans for this weekend?

Comments โ–ผ

ummm…pumpkin coffee is out already? i had NO idea!

your blog is too cute. love the round-up and hope you had a great weekend!

Thanks Holly. Yep, pumpkin is out. But only at certain Dunkins, unfortunately. I’m not sure when the actual release date is.

I love hot yogaaaaaaaaaa! And DD’s! ๐Ÿ˜€

GC, have you done Bikram? The class I took wasn’t technically Bikram I guess… it was just power yoga in a STEAMING HOT ROOM! haha. I had prob an inch of sweat everywhere!

Chelsea @ GlitterAndSweat

This week…..I guess getting a client that wanted a perm, defiantly a learning experience!!! I wish I could say getting a Pumpkin Spice Latte, but not til 9/4, so…just relaxing this weekend, totally looking forward to that, and skyping my bf ๐Ÿ™‚
Have a good weekend!!

Yes, Starbucks isn’t coming out with their pumpkin stuff until the beginning of September, unfortunately. How far does your BF live?

Amanda @ Let Me Be What's Underneath

YUM–Pumpkin Iced Coffee at DD is delicious–can’t wait to have some ๐Ÿ™‚

Yeah it’s actually really good iced! Found out today that my office will be having pumpkin coffee starting Monday. I’m excited!!

Woah woah woah… I did NOT know pumpkin was available at DD! I just picked up some pumpkin spice Kcups!

LOL Erica! Yes! I almost died when I walked in! However, it is only certain Dunkins because I went to a different one this morning and they didn’t have pumpkin and looked at me like I was crazy when I asked :/

I won’t be ready for pumpkin coffee until the end of Sept. To me that’s when the real fall begins. I haven’t been to a hot power yoga class in forever, I need to rekindle my love with that soon! This weekend I am planning to go out in the city with my sister and some friends to celebrate birthdays (theirs, not mine). I’m super pumped!

Power yoga was great! I do want to try a true Bikram class though. Have you done one?

Looking forward to hearing about your first Hot Yoga Class!

Have a great weekend! I’m all about relaxing in the sun ๐Ÿ™‚

I can’t wait to recap it for you, Kierston! It was such an interesting experience. It was the instructor’s first class ever, but she did a pretty good job!

At the risk of sounding more than a little nerdy … My favourite part of your Friday Favourites is the fact that you’re going to go pick up your library card!! Pretty sure that my library card gets more work than any other in my wallet …

Haha Chelsie, I am SO EXCITED to get my library card. There are so many books that I want to read in print (no PDFs for me) and it doesn’t make sense to purchase them if the library has them on loan

I’m headed to yoga today. Always love it for my Friday. ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh great! Great way to end your work week!

Aww! I got screenshotted ๐Ÿ˜‰ Have a great Friday!

YES! Thanks for the motivation!

You had me at Pumpkin Coffee…tis the season! YES!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Everyone thinks I’m crazy because it may just been a bit too early for pumpkin stuff.. I’m not going to lie, it was a bit weird drinking ICED pumpkin coffee.. but delicious none the less.