Running on a Schedule

October 9, 2012

Yesterday I went to the gym for the first time since last week.  I did a lot of walking on Saturday in Washington DC, so I wasn’t too worried about the lack of running last week.  Guess what I did yesterday at the gym…. WEIGHT TRAINING!  I didn’t do too much of it, but I did some.  When Bry and I got to the gym yesterday, both treadmills were taken so I was kind of forced to get in some weight training.


I promise you I’m not a ninja.

Leg extension – 50lbs – 3 sets of 10 reps

Leg press – 80lbs – 3 sets of 10 reps

Seated row – 40lbs – 3 sets of 10 reps

I was able to get in enough weights before someone hopped off the treadmill.  From there, I did 3 mi in 28:38.  During my run I had on my headphones and listened to Pandora.  However, when I would hop off the treadmill to take a sip of water, I could hear someone else’s music!  I just thought that someone was going to have a LOT of hearing issues later in life if their headphones were that loud.  But then I saw this:


that my friends is a boombox, and no it’s not 1999.

Someone at the gym actually brought his own boombox to listen to while lifting.  He didn’t even have it at a reasonable volume.  It was fairly loud!  I didn’t mind much because I liked the pop music he was playing, but I felt bad for the elderly people at the gym who probably could have done without it. 

Running on a Schedule

I’ve been about my running lately. Yesterday I realized that I dislike running on a schedule.  During the summer my goal was to run 15 mile weeks and most weeks I completed that goal.  I liked having a broad goal, but still concrete and measurable. 

My schedule is very specific, and I dislike that.  You may remember back in March when I tried the Live Fit Trainer and I got bored.  Whenever I’m given a schedule I get sucked into it and disregard doing anything else. 

I need to start figuring out how to make time for more weight training and yoga during my half marathon training schedule as soon as possible. 

Talk to Me

  • Do you feel the same as I do about running on a schedule?
  • What crazy things have you seen at the gym lately?
  • How many days a week do you do weight training?
Comments ▼

I have a hard time following a schedule to the letter, I enjoy the general idea of what I need to do with the flexibility to change things as necessary, when my body tells me it needs to do something else. I guess that is the biggest reason for disliking a schedule it doesn’t take into account the individual differences or what is going on with our bodies.

so true, Harold. I tend to just go with the flow 🙂

I’m OCD and have to stick to a schedule 😉 I’ve seen people not using weights properly at the gym but I don’t say anything, weird u know? I love weights them twice a week 🙂

I think the reason I have always avoided using an actual marathon training plan is because I like to do whatever feels best on a given day and not what a piece of paper says

So true. What does a piece of paper know anyway?! LOL.

I liked a plan when I was training for my first race, but now that I’m just looking to increase my mileage, I have a general number of miles I want to hit each week, and I split that up based on what feels good on any given day. Mind you, I train with a team now 2-3 times a week, so I know those days are going to be high mileage and I only need to do my own thing two days … but I like it a bit better than feeling the need to ‘meet the expectations’ of a training plan.
I’ve actually been taking time away from the gym, but my dumbbells at home and circuits are treating my muscles super kindly these days. (I think heavy lifting + pushing the miles would destroy me!)

That’s what I did a few months back. Just setting a weekly goal, mad it easy for me to get out there and run without feeling so forced.

I need a plan to get me out of bed in the morning, so I know what clothes to pull on before I’m awake. For me, that’s usually run T/Th/Sat, weights M/W/F, yoga Sun. I don’t do well with a more detailed schedule — if I’m not in the mood for intervals on the treadmill I want to be able to just run outside.

I need a plan to get me out of bed in the morning, so I know what clothes to pull on before I’m awake. For me, that’s usually run T/Th/Sat, weights M/W/F, yoga Sun. I don’t do well with a more detailed schedule — if I’m not in the mood for intervals on the treadmill I want to be able to just run outside.

Yoga is such a great way to end the week. I need to get back into yoga classes again. I miss them terribly!

I’m the opposite – I LOVE a schedule. No thinking just doing!

Ah I wish I was like that. For the longest time I thought I loved schedules, but as I’m going through the training, I’m realizing that I’m hating how it can sometimes be so rigid.

what you say about running on a schedule is 100% why Im a intuitive exerciser!

Thank goodness someone else agrees with me! I thought I was the only one.