Starbucks Pumpkin Spice!

September 8, 2011

If you are living in my area (outside of Philadelphia), you probably have been dealing with the endless rain that has hit us since Monday night.  Last night I barely slept because of all the thunder and lightening.  It was scary!  Good thing Bry was there. 

Lately I’ve been just hanging out in bed, job searching, writing, and watching The Office. 
At least I have a comfy bed to rely on!
Yesterday before dinner, Bry and I headed to my favorite place (target) to get some needed items.  I picked up new body wash, hair ties, and bobby pins.  I hate when I really need a bobby pin and there’s not one there.   After about 45 minutes in Target, we headed over to my other favorite place… Starbucks!  
The other day I was there and asked for a drink with pumpkin spice in it, and the barista told me they weren’t serving it until Tuesday.  I could SEE the pumpkin syrup from behind the counter! NOT FAIR.  So last night, I finally was about to get the drink I was waiting for: Tall 1 pump pumpkin spice chai.  Even though it isn’t that cool out yet, I was still inclined to get a hot beverage because technically it’s September and fall needs to get here asap.
Oh heavenly bliss!
Tonight I am getting to go to an event to cover here on my blog,  I’ll report all the details tomorrow morning.
What is your favorite fall drink from Starbucks?
Comments ▼

I love the burnt taste too. I HATE watery coffee. I like the majority of Starbucks roasts because they aren't weak.

ooh, yay! the return pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin-everything initiates a frenzy of excitement even when it's frustratingly not cool enough at all for fall, but i still love seeing that "they're back!" 😛

i loove soy lattes with an extra shot, but lately i've just been getting tall or grande pike roasts because i'm poor. starbucks honestly has the best coffee, i love the "burnt" taste people often complain about.

have fun at your event!